Meet Dan Dan is a regular guy. He is 6 foot and weights 220 pounds. He went to the doctor for a check-up. His doctor told him he was slightly overweight and had high cholesterol. High cholesterol is a leading cause of heart disease. Dans doctor told him he needed to start eating healthier and exercising.
Dan came in Sweats Gym looking for help with his health and fitness. We calculated Dans BMI to be This BMI is considered to be on the edge of overweight and borderline obese. As his personal trainer, we talked about the importance of eating healthy and why he wanted to become fit. Second, we set short and long term goals for Dan. Finally, I set him up on a fitness plan. Sweats Gym
Dans nutrition plan Recommended calorie intake: MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday Breakfast2 pieces of toast with PB Orange Banana Yogurt with granola Oatmeal with berries 1 Egg Sandwich Apple Granola Bar Orange Whole-Grain English Muffin Banana Oatmeal with berries LunchSalad with low-fat dressing Carrot Sticks Turkey Roll- up Baked chips Grapes Can Lite Soup Banana Tuna Cottage cheese Crackers Grapes Grilled chicken salad with low-fat dressing Orange Ham Roll-up Baked chips Apple Healthy Choice Frozen Meal Banana DinnerBaked Fish Sweet Potato Broccoli Grilled Chicken Brown Rice Carrots Spaghetti with meat sauce Salad (low-fat dressing) Chicken Quesadilla Corn Salad Salsa Grilled Shrimp Kabobs with vegetables Baked Chicken Mashed potatoes Green Beans Vegetable soup Grilled Cheese Sandwich SnacksNuts Fruit Light popcorn Nuts Fruit Jello Fruit Yogurt Veggie Sticks Fruit Light popcorn Reference:
Short-Term Goals Lose Weight Lower cholesterol Develop exercise plan Tone muscles Cut-out fried foods Incorporate more fruit and vegetables in diet
Long-Term Goals Maintain healthy weight Maintain acceptable cholesterol levels Continue exercise plan- increase cardio and weight levels Continue nutrition plan
Dans Fitness Plan MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday Cardio- Running or Elliptical REST Cardio- Biking REST Weight Training- Legs REST Weight Training- Arms REST AbsREST
Cardio Exercise (Aerobic) Cardio exercises use large muscle movement over a sustained period of time keeping your heart rate to at least 50% of its maximum level. Good examples of aerobic exercise include running, biking, swimming, and walking Cardio exercise improves heart and lung health Cardio exercises burn calories Reference:
Weight Training- Anaerobic Anaerobic exercise is an exercise intense enough to trigger lactic acid formation. It is used by athletes in non- endurance sports to promote strength, speed and power and by body builders to build muscle mass. Weight training that targets leg strength Squat Leg Press Lunges Weight training that targets arm strength Curls Overhead Press Power Clean Weight Training that targets ab strength Crunches Twist Hanging leg lifts References:
8 weeks later…. Dan has lost 12 pounds Dans new BMI is 28.2 Dan has lowered his cholesterol Dan has a lot more energy
What Dan Learned Both exercise and nutrition are key in losing weight and being healthy Healthier food choices Exercises that target muscle groups How to accomplish short and long term goals