Agricultural Regions Ap human geography Agriculture, food production, and rural land use unit
For today, 03/26 Pick up a handout Don’t forget to register for the AP Academy – I’ve been told the link will be fixed soon Room 262479
Decrease in Dairy Farms Increase in Organic Farms Increased production of milk Increased mechanization Agribusiness and industrialization of agriculture Small farms are less profitable and cannot compete Urbanization Increased demand in market Sustainability – better care for the land influences consumer choice Small farms unable to compete with agribusiness switch to more profitable ventures
Most basic types of agriculture Commercial Agriculture (Market-oriented) and Subsistence Agriculture Distinguished by five characteristics: Purpose of farming % of farmers in labor force Use of machinery Farm size Agribusiness Correlation to MDCs and LDCs?
Agricultural Regions: Correlation of Climate Derwent Whittlesey, 1936 identified 11 regions and 1 “none here” region Agricultural Regions in MDCs Agricultural Regions in LDCs Mixed crop and livestock Dairy Grain Commercial gardening Livestock ranching Mediterranean Plantation Shifting cultivation Intensive subsistence wet-rice dom. Intensive subsistence wet-rice non. Pastoral nomadism
Agricultural Regions Maps (1.) Explain what it is (2.)Use the colored pencils in the tray of your desk to shade in where it is practiced Use textbook to find the information Correlation of agriculture and climate?