The experiment requires that you continue. The IRB, on the other hand… Ethics in Psychological Research
Competent research Accurate reporting Proper use of resources Fair acknowledgement of contributions
IRB IRB Human research Federal form 45 Exempt, Expedited, Full Review
Risk/Benefit Ratio Is the information worth the risk Risk is defined quite broadly: Anything that the participant is subjected to that they might not alreadyu experience in their everyday life. Time spent on your survey Potential loss of confidentiality in an archival study Exposure to potential issues through your questions
Three standard protections Double-locking data Remove/redact identifying data Provide resources at debriefing Ensure that inducements are not coercive
Informed Consent Many IRBs will have a standard informed consent from which you may model Purpose Standard duration Right to withdraw Possible consequences thereof Potential risks, discomfort, or adverse effects
More Informed Consent Components Potential benefits Even indirect! Any limits on confidentiality Inducements Who to contact if there are any questions Principal investigator Advisor IRB Many IRBs require a statement saying that the research was approved.
When you don’t need informed consent: Academic setting to assess instructional efficacy Anonymous questionnaires To be safe, use a “Statement of consent,” containing all of the elements of the informed consent, with a statement that completing the survey indicates informed consent. Naturalistic observations Don’t collect identifying information (like license plate numbers) Archival research Good to have a generic consent at intake: “….may be used for research purposes….”
Deception Only used when necessary Omission vs Commission Not always (or even often) necessary Omission vs Commission Can’t cause harm The mild negative affect anagram test Staging a crime Not telling your client what the study is about Bystander apathy tests
Debriefing Here’s when you give your participant information about: Nature Results Conclusions If you can’t just then, minimize harm Send them an abstract (or post it online and tell them where to go) Resources for help after the study…just in case Local or national psychologists referral site (AzPA, APA)
Reporting IRB doesn’t usually deal with this part Must report honestly and fairly Invented data Mistakes happen. Acknowledge and amend Plagiarism
Authorship Intellectual contribution to the published product Helping to collect data does not confer authorship Can still be acknowledged, however. Generally has to write a section, or part of a section Do not add authors gratuitously For prestige In order to present at a conference, may need a member of an organization as an author Order of authors? First and last as “bookends?” Descending order?
Duplicate Submission Double dipping The Poling Shuffle and the LPU Sharing data for verification through reanalysis Can ask the requestor to cover the cost of such Only the data for that purpose
Protecting the Data Reviewing articles Don’t shoot them down simply because their research disagrees with yours Do not sabotage their pub and take their research! Keep the review confidential “Jones & Graham submitted this, and oh boy, did they mess up!”
Questions? Thoughts?