ACID DEPOSTION a.k.a. Acid rain
What is acid deposition? pH less than 7 Wet Rain Snow
What happens when you mix pH? Acid + Base= neutral Add bases (antacid) to acids to neutralize! BASES ARE GOOD FOR ACID RAIN NEUTRALIZATION!!!
Acid rain in Europe
ACID RAIN IS MANY ACIDS Sulfuric acid Nitric acid Carbonic acid
Sulfuric acid Source Coal burning power plants (electricity) industry
Nox Sources- Gasoline burning industry
Carbonic acid Natural From volcanoes, respiration Burning of fossil fuels Acid used in most cave formation Limestone + carbonic acid = calcium bicarbonate (soluable)
Wears away rock and metal
Harms aquatic life
KILLS PLANTS Especially conifers Black Forest (Germany)
Does acid rain hurt people? Indirectly Breath in harmful particulates that damage lung tissue
SOLUTIONS? Smokestack scrubbers on coal burning plants
Solutions Wash coal (less sulfur)
Solutions Catalytic converters on cars (filter Nox)
Solutions Alternative energy sources (less fossil fuels)