Memoir Prompt #3 & CV Revision PP You lucky, lucky seniors
Memoir Writing Prompt #3 Using the photo you brought in today, write a descriptive sketch of the event/person/relationship in the photo, describing everything you can remember, including.. Who was with you What happened Your feelings Responses of others Any sensory details such as shapes, colors, sounds, sense of touch, smells, any visual details Spelling & grammar do not count, BUT you should be trying to incorporate elements of VOICE in this. The more your practice, the better you’ll be.
And here’s OBVIOUSLY a model from yours truly… I am an ocean away from home, but I’m standing on American soil. The wind tries to cut through my light jacket, but the sun breaths it’s warmth on me. Row upon row of crosses dot the landscape creating an elaborately simple tapestry of loss. We stare out towards Omaha Beach where less than a century ago, teenagers, not unlike the ones I’m traveling with, were shot down never knowing the beauty and peace of the place they had landed…
CV Revisions: Word Choice Step 1: Decide to either swap with a friend or revise your own CV poem. Step 2: Make sure there are at least 20 events on your list. Step 3: Surprising word choice Underline 4 places where you think your words are boring or too general. In the margin, brainstorm at least 2 other ways to word this. Focus on… Being specific (unless its purposeful vagueness) Being true to YOUR voice Creating a picture for your reader
CV Revisions: Similes & Metaphors Circle any metaphors or similes you incorporated into your CV. If you have NO metaphors or similes… Identify 2 places where you could use them, and write down some possible ideas. What could you compare the scene to? What does the image/scene remind you of? You must have at least 2 metaphors or similes (or a combination, to receive credit for this part)
CV Revisions: Sentence Structure Put [brackets] around any section of your poem where you tried to play with sentence structure. Label your sentence structure as… Purposeful run-on Purposeful fragment Repetition of structure/phrases Really really short sentence, after a long sentence If you haven’t done anything cool with sentence structure, make changes to 2 lines in an effort to do so. Label both as SS REVISION.
CV Revisions: Striking Imagery Highlight any sections where you try to build in striking imagery. Label the senses you try to describe: sight, touch, taste, sound, smell. If you haven’t used any striking imagery, identify at least 2 places where you can build in details that appeal to the 5 senses. Use the 5 senses to DESCRIBE HOW something happened/felt, rather than just telling the audience
CV Revisions: Allusions Label any allusions that you use in your CV poem. If you don’t have any allusions, write down 2 possible ideas that you could incorporate. Ex. Instead of saying you were born in Detroit, call it the Motor City Make a reference to your favorite book or movie or video game when you were little
Okay…so now what? Turn in your CV Poem WITH revisions at the end of the hour. Pick up a new Glass Castle Discussion WS Begin reading p. 94-158 and taking notes