Social Wellness Month


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Presentation transcript:

Social Wellness Month

What is Social Wellness? Social Wellness is how we interact and make relationships with others. Our relationships can be supportive during difficult times or continue to build and grow through networking interactions and other events. Social wellness involves building healthy, nurturing and supportive relationships as well as fostering a genuine connection with those around you and in the community.

Pathways to social wellness Do I plan time to be with my family and friends? Do I enjoy the time I spend with others? Are my relationships with others positive and rewarding? Do I explore diversity by interacting with people of other cultures, backgrounds, and beliefs? When people are engaged in the process of social wellness they see the value of living in harmony with others and are interested in seeking and developing positive relationships. They willing seek out ways to preserve the beauty and balance of nature and other surroundings in the community.

Why is it important? Know your needs— We all have unique needs. What someone might find important may seem irrelevant to you and vice versa. It is important to identify what your needs are so you don't feel the pressure conform to an environment that doesn’t entertain you or you don't enjoy or care about. Reach out— Offering friendship to people is a beginning step to social wellness. Without this, it will be difficult for you to take advantage of the possibility of productive relationships. Joining groups and clubs that focus on your things of interest to you and exploring other avenues like volunteer work and travel. Choose your relationships— Relationships are give and take. Remind yourself of this and be cautious if you feel you are being taken advantage of. This can happen with a verbally or physically abusive partner, an overbearing relative or an insincere friend. The problem is that these cause unnecessary stress and strain on your emotional state and may affect your ability to function socially.

Why is it important? Learn to build and stay in healthy relationships— The relationships you allow in their life involve people who genuinely care about you and your well-being. You should feel these relationships are nurturing and supportive of your needs and whose needs you can offer support for. Since there is trust and compassion, you feel safe and satisfied. These are two vital components for social wellness. Don't feel the pressure to conform— Conformity is required in the society we live in; however, cooperating with standards and morals doesn't mean changing yourself and becoming a person you are not. Everybody's different and it's our job to know this and accept this openly. Trying to chance yourself will affect you in many ways, all of them negative. Learn to communicate effectively— You can only do so much about hiding your feeling and thoughts. Communication is a very important part of social wellness because it will generally be how you begin friendships and relationships in the first place.

Increasing Social wellness Talk with a Friend- Chatting with a friend improves quality of life and your relationships communication skills. Take Some Alone Time- Taking some alone time will help calm the brain and increase creativity within your daily activities. Get Some Coffee- Drinking coffee actually does have a number of health boosting effects and contains a rich source of anti-oxidants. Go for a run- Running increases endorphins that make us feel better during and even after the run! Volunteer- Helping others has shown to greatly improve moods and self worth!

Increasing Social wellness Get Some Sun- Getting some sun naturally helps support our happiness, just make sure to protect your skin from the harmful UV rays. Go on Vacation- Going on a vacation helps increase rest and relax time so our bodies can reset and decrease or put aside any daily stressors. Bring the outdoors in- Bring in a few office plants to give off great oxygen and clean the air around us. Get a good nights sleep- Getting sufficient sleep at night helps our bodes rest and recover to maintain happiness.

Social Wellness Challenges Here are some ways to increase your social wellness. You may already have solid positive social wellness, use one of these to challenge that wellness or change your social scenery. Volunteer at a local charity, library or your favorite local store Join a Billiards, Trivia or Karaoke Group Find a pen pal or write to far-away friends or family Talk to at least one stranger a day Make a coffee or dinner date with a friend you have not talked to in a while Become more involved in your church or other religious organization Take your dog to the dog park and interact with people around you