DETERMINANT definition and origin
( ) = ad - bc a c b d Associated with every square matrix A there is a number called the determinant of A. The definition of the determinant of a 22 matrix follows: ( a c ) b d = ad - bc det
( ) = ad - bc a c b d Associated with every square matrix A there is a number called the determinant of A. The definition of the determinant of a 22 matrix follows: ( a c ) b d = ad - bc det
( ) = ad - bc a c b d Associated with every square matrix A there is a number called the determinant of A. The definition of the determinant of a 22 matrix follows: ( a c ) b d = ad - bc det
The concept “determinant” arose from early attempts to generalize the process of solving systems of linear equations. Consider the following:
replace x coordinates with replace y coordinates with j k j k
DETERMINANT The following presentation entitled will outline the algorithm for evaluating the determinant of a 33 matrix