The Home Front & Discrimination During WWII Do groups struggle for civil rights during World War II?
Positive Changes War gets America out of the depression, unemployment 1.2% Women helping in the war effort GI Bill of Rights, 1944 help for veterans a) provided ed. & training b) easy to get home & business loans
African-Americans Many African American families moved to cities African Americans in skilled or semi-skilled jobs rose from 16% to 30% Unfortunately, many whites resented blacks moving into their neighborhoods Detroit Riots break out – Army occupies city for 6 mos
Zoot Suit Riot: Summer of 1943 Tensions between Navy Sailors & Mexican-American youth in Los Angeles 11 Navy sailors claim they were attacked by “zoot-suiters” Nearby soldiers at Chavez Ravine pour into Downtown LA For an entire week, youths were beaten and stripped of their clothes, LAPD does little
Internment of Japanese-Americans Jan 1942: evacuation of Hawaii’s Japanese pop. was ordered Feb 1942: FDR signs Exec. Order 9066 that forces Japanese Amer. from WA, OR, NV, CA 10K were shipped to prison camp sites for “security” reasons, most were American citizens (btw no Germans and few Italians) Japanese-Ams take case to Sup. Court in Korematsu v. United States, court rules US policy is justified “military necessity”