Habit 3 Put First Things First 61
Quick List Step 1 Write down 5-6 things you do with your time
End In Mind for H3 Time Matrix Big Rocks Time management Prep for H2 Writing & Living Mission Statement
Habit 3: Put First Things First 62 Habit Put First Things First
Ineffective: I put urgent things first. Driven by crises, pressure Habit 3—Paradigms Ineffective: I put urgent things first. Driven by crises, pressure Effective: I put important things first. Driven by priorities and importance 3 63 Habit Put First Things First
Effectiveness requires the integrity to act on your priorities. Paradigm Priorities and importance drive Habit of Integrity & Execution Effectiveness requires the integrity to act on your priorities. Organization Productivity Follow through “Get things done” Reputation Focus and plan Rid unimportance Result Behavior 3 63 Habit Put First Things First
Where you are headed is way more important than how fast you are going Purpose Where you are headed is way more important than how fast you are going
Video The Time Matrix 3 65 Habit Put First Things First
Time Matrix New buddies in a group! Draw & label quadrants ID activities ID Feelings ID long-term impact
QII Policing Video Consider the following: How do the Royal Canadian Mounted Police lie in QII despite having a QI profession Do you think it is possible to spend the majority of your time in QII? 3 65 Habit Put First Things First
Live North of the Line 3 66 Crises Pressing problems Deadline-driven projects, meetings, reports Preparation Prevention Planning Relationship building Re-creation Values clarification Live North of the Line Needless interruptions Unnecessary reports Unimportant meetings, phone calls, mail, e-mail Other people’s minor issues Trivia, busywork Irrelevant phone calls, mail, e-mail Time-wasters “Escape” activities Excessive TV, Internet, relaxation 3 66 Habit Put First Things First
Eliminate the Unimportant What are QIII activities YOU are contributing to at work? How can you contribute to reducing?
And a reminder to the “people pleasers…”
What percentage of their time do workers spend “below the line”? xQ Tells You… What percentage of their time do workers spend “below the line”? 40% 3 66 Habit Put First Things First
Building QII Capacity
BIG ROCKS VIDEO Big Rocks 3 66 Habit Put First Things First
Reminder: Big Rocks Come from: Can be: Conscience Mission Goals Key projects p. 69 Can be: Tasks Appointments Areas of focus Relationships
Which quadrants do your activities fall into? Quick List Step 2 Which quadrants do your activities fall into? Are the activities you noted “BIG ROCKS”?
When? Before the week begins. Where? Someplace quiet. Tips for Weekly Planning P. 67 When? Before the week begins. Where? Someplace quiet. How Long? 20–30 minutes. 3 67 Habit Put First Things First
Review mission and roles. Choose big rocks. Schedule the week. Plan Weekly Review mission and roles. Choose big rocks. Schedule the week. 3 67 Habit Put First Things First
Weekly Compass 3 68 Project Manager Parent Spouse Friend Habit Put First Things First
important thing I can do in this role this week? What Is the Most Important Thing? What is the most important thing I can do in this role this week? Project Manager Finalize budget Draft meeting agenda Parent Attend parent-teacher conference Spouse Date night Friend 3 69 Habit Put First Things First
Principal Style The QII Lifestyle When QII is your priority… life is good! The QII Lifestyle Principal Style 3 73 Habit Put First Things First
What Stuck with You Today Put First Things
Classroom Ideas
Classroom Ideas
THANK YOU! Pinterest- http://www.pinterest.com/emkschneider/leader-in-me/ Email- schneidere@waterlooschools.org