Computer Architecture and Organization: Introductory lecture By: A. H. Abdul Hafez, CAO, by Dr. A.H. Abdul Hafez, CE Dept. HKU November 20, 2018
Outlines What is computer? What is this course looking at? Computer architecture and organization. Course syllabus Detailed syllabus CAO, by Dr. A.H. Abdul Hafez, CE Dept. HKU November 20, 2018
What is a Computer? Computer system is subdivided into two functional entities: Hardware: the electronic components and electromechanical devices that comprise the physical entity of the computer. Software: a collection of programs to make effective use of the computer. CAO, by Dr. A.H. Abdul Hafez, CE Dept. HKU November 20, 2018
What is a Computer? CAO, by Dr. A.H. Abdul Hafez, CE Dept. HKU November 20, 2018
What is a Computer? The hardware of the computer is divided into three major parts: The central processing unit (CPU): contains arithmetic and logic unit, a number of registers, and control unit. Main memory: it is usually a random access memory RAM. Input-output: electronic components for communication and data transfer between computer and outside world. CAO, by Dr. A.H. Abdul Hafez, CE Dept. HKU November 20, 2018
Structure - Top Level Computer Peripherals Central Main Processing Unit Main Memory Computer Systems Interconnection Input Output Communication lines CAO, by Dr. A.H. Abdul Hafez, CE Dept. HKU November 20, 2018
Structure - The CPU CPU Arithmetic Computer and Registers Login Unit I/O System Bus CPU Internal CPU Interconnection Memory Control Unit CAO, by Dr. A.H. Abdul Hafez, CE Dept. HKU November 20, 2018
Structure - The Control Unit CPU Sequencing Logic ALU Control Unit Internal Bus Control Unit Registers and Decoders Registers Control Memory CAO, by Dr. A.H. Abdul Hafez, CE Dept. HKU November 20, 2018
The Course is Looking at! We look at providing the basic knowledge necessary to understand the hardware operations of a computer system. We have two points of view to that: Computer architecture: is concerned with the structure and behavior of the computer as seen by the user (programmer). It includes: formats, instruction set, memory addressing, etc. e.g. Is there a multiply instruction? Computer organization: is concerned with the way the hardware components operate and are implemented, i.e. the way they are connected together. e.g. Is there a hardware multiply unit or is it done by repeated addition? Computer design: is concerned with the hardware design of the computer. The hardware should be used and how the parts should be connected (implementation). CAO, by Dr. A.H. Abdul Hafez, CE Dept. HKU November 20, 2018
Course Syllabus, 1semester CO course Review of digital logic and data representation, 1 week; Register transfer and micro-operations, 2 weeks; Basic computer organization and design, 2 weeks; Central processing unit, 2 weeks; Control unit and Micro-programmed control 2 weeks; Computer Arithmetic, 2 week; Memory system organization, 1 week; Input output organization, 1 week; Pipeline and vector processing ½ week; Multi-Processors, ½ week. CAO, by Dr. A.H. Abdul Hafez, CE Dept. HKU November 20, 2018
Prerequisite and texts. Prerequisite: logic circuit design. TEXT BOOKS: T1: ’Computer System Architecture’ – M.Morris Mano, III Edition,Pearson/PHI. T2: ‘Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals ’ - M. Morris Mano and Charles Kime , IV Edition. REFERENCE BOOKS: R1: Stallings William, ‘Computer Organization & Architecture’ - VI Edition.PHI/Pearson R2: Tanenbaum Andrew S, ’Structured computer Organization’ -IV Edition.PHI/Pearson R3: Sivaraama Dandamudi Springer, ’Fundamentals of Computer Organization and Design’ -Int.Edition. CAO, by Dr. A.H. Abdul Hafez, CE Dept. HKU November 20, 2018
Details of syllabus 1-Review of logic circuits Revisions include : Gates Combinational systems like: Arithmetic circuits, Encoders , decoders, and multiplexers Sequential logic: Flip-flops (SR, JK, D, and T ), Shift registers and counters. Memory basic element Programmable logic CAO, by Dr. A.H. Abdul Hafez, CE Dept. HKU November 20, 2018
The end of the Lecture Thanks for your time Questions are welcome CAO, by Dr. A.H. Abdul Hafez, CE Dept. HKU November 20, 2018