BITC Leader Group: Worker of the Future Gig Economy Survey for Leader Organisations – Q1 2018 Introduction Business in the Community (BITC) is a business network of member companies who commit to improving their responsible and sustainable business practices. We <Your Organisation> are a member and have received the Business Working Responsibly Mark in acknowledgement of our good policies and practices in relation to responsible business. We are now working with other businesses to influence responsible business practices in Ireland. We have chosen to look at the area of “adaptive workplaces”, which is of growing importance for business flexibility but can also expose risks and poor practices, i.e. the gig economy and precarious employment. In the longer term these will have a negative impact on business and society. This survey aims to capture what is working well in this area and to identify current and future issues as the practice extends more widely. Our particular focus is on people in precarious employment: “When work is precarious the worker cannot predict earnings from one week to the next. Not all low paid work is precarious and some precarious work is well-paid” (TASC, 2017). There are three main forms of precarious work: Irregular part-time work Temporary work “Self-employment”, where the business has the legal right to control the details of how services are performed Thank you for participating. Results will be shared with all participants but company names will be anonymised.
WORKER OF THE FUTURE – GIG ECONOMY SURVEY GENERAL FINANCIAL PLANNING What proportion of your people fall into the following categories: Irregular part-time work Temporary work “Self-employment” Do you consider the gig economy an issue for your business? If so, why? What policies does your organisation have in place to minimise employment insecurity for people in these categories? Have you revised any of your policies as the gig economy has emerged? Do you offer people in these categories access to formal advice on pensions? Do you offer people in these categories “flexible” benefits? e.g. an option to decide between pension / healthcare / education? Is your pension plan open to people in these categories? Is there a period of tenure before pension eligibility is secured? LEGISLATION AND REGULATION Do you operate a banded hours system for working hours for people in these categories? Do you review actual hours worked against contracted hours regularly with a view to amending? Do you operate “zero hours contracts” today? Do people have an option to avail of / opt out of same? What employment law regulations would you wish to see introduced or changed in the context of the gig economy? PROCUREMENT / TENDERING To what extent do you consider the issues in this survey as part of the procurement or tendering process e.g. catering, security, cleaning services? EDUCATION / CAREER DEVELOPMENT What proportion of your people in these categories undertake education and training (beyond initial induction training) each year? Does the training encompass skills development as well as on the job training? Do you have a partnership with the education sector to develop skills or further education for your people in the above categories? Do you have a policy on reskilling people in these categories in anticipation of expected changes in your sector? WORK LIFE BALANCE Do you have guidelines in relation to work-life balance for people in these categories? Do you accommodate high speed broadband for flexible working for people in these categories? How does your organisation ensure people in these categories do not exceed the European working time directive?