Reminders Pentatuch and Prophetic Books – tell us what happened Psalms – tell us how they felt about what happened, completing the picture Moses (Exodus – Ps 90) John will cover this one David and Saul (2 Sam 22 – Ps 18; 1 Sam 22 – Ps 57, 142; 1 Sam 19 – Ps 59) David and Abimelech (1 Sam 21 – Ps 34) David after confrontation with Nathan (2 Sam 12 – Ps 51) David and Absalom (Fleeing, 2 Sam 15 – Ps 2; Wilderness 2 Sam 17 – Ps 63; Death of Absalom, 2 Sam 18 – Ps 86) Summer in the Psalms
More Reminders The Bible’s (Jewish) Hymnal Instruments mentioned in the headings of Psalms 4, 5, 6, 8, 12, 54, 55, 61, 67, 76, 81, 84 Other music mentioned in the headings of Psalms (9, 22, 45, 53, 56, 57-59, 60, 69, 75, 80, 88) Some for special events (30, 92) Terms like “Selah” and “Shiggaion” thought to be musical terms When obedient, the Hebrews would fully worship Jehovah – more to come on this…. Deuteronomy 6 Deuteronomy 16:16 Summer in the Psalms
The Music of the Psalms Suzanne Haik-Vantoura (1928-2000) Used the notations of the Psalms in the Masoretic text and believes she backward engineered the original music of some of the Psalms YouTube: Millenary/dp/094103710X David C. Mitchell Wrote “Message of the Psalter” and provides insights into the music of the Psalms of Ascent (Psalms 120-134) Summer in the Psalms
Structure Macro – 5 Books Book 1 – Psalms 1-41 Book 2 – Psalms 42-72 Micro – Other “Sets” Hallel – Psalms 113-118 Ascents – Psalms 120-134 “Go to Psalm 119 and take a left or a right and prepare to worship” Summer in the Psalms
The Setting Map of Israel
The Setting Picture of Jerusalem
The Setting Picture of the Temple
That Evening – The Final Passover Thursday, April 6, 30 AD Matthew 26(:30); Mark 14(:26); Luke 22; John 13-14 Jesus quotes from the Psalms more than any other book of the Bible Luke 17:17; Luke 20:42-43; Matthew 27:46 and Luke 23:46 (on the cross) Think about the psychological impact of this – creating an earworm for those that heard Think about Jesus singing the Psalms of the Hallel, in particular: 115:9-11; 116:3-4; 118:5-7; 118:22; 118:24 Summer in the Psalms
The Psalm – 116 Let’s stand and read it together!!! (Are you excited? You should be) Give it your all – Hallelujah! to Christ, our God and our King Get some space between you and everyone else Two exclamation points (v4 and v19). Read the Psalm together and shout out the last “Praise the Lord!” Pick a perspective As Christ sang it as part of that last Passover As a faithful pilgrim in a synagogue for worship or during the observance of Passover in Jerusalem As yourself in praise and worship to Yahweh, our God and King Summer in the Psalms