The Cosmic Background at High l Experimental Overview Steven T. Myers National Radio Astronomy Observatory Socorro, NM
Courtesy Wayne Hu – The march of progress Courtesy Wayne Hu –
Courtesy Wayne Hu – After WMAP… Power spectrum measured to l < 1000 Primary CMB First 3 peaks Courtesy Wayne Hu –
Courtesy Wayne Hu – …and Planck Power spectrum measured to l < 1000 Primary CMB First 6 peaks Courtesy Wayne Hu –
A Theoretical Digression
Secondary Anisotropies Courtesy Wayne Hu –
Gravitational Secondaries Due to CMB photons passing through potential fluctuations (spatial and temporal) Includes: Early ISW (decay, matter-radiation transition at last scattering) Late ISW (decay, in open or lambda model) Rees-Sciama (growth, non-linear structures) Tensors (gravity waves, ‘nuff said) Lensing (spatial distortions) Courtesy Wayne Hu –
Courtesy Wayne Hu – CMB Lensing Distorts the background temperature and polarization Converts E to B polarization Can reconstruct from T,E,B on arcminute scales Can probe clusters Courtesy Wayne Hu –
Scattering Secondaries Due to variations in: Density Linear = Vishniac effect Clusters = thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect Velocity (Doppler) Clusters = kinetic SZE Ionization fraction Coherent reionization suppression “Patchy” reionization
Courtesy Wayne Hu – Vishniac Effect Reionization + Structure Linear regime Second order (not cancelled) aka Ostriker-Vishniac effect Courtesy Wayne Hu –
Patchy Reionization Structure in ionization Effects similar Can distinguish between ionization histories Confusion, e.g. kSZ effect e.g. Santos et al. (0305471) Effects similar kSZ, OV, PReI Different z’s, use lensing?
2ndary SZE Anisotropies Spectral distortion of CMB Dominated by massive halos (galaxy clusters) Low-z clusters: ~ 20’-30’ z=1: ~1’ expected dominant signal in CMB on small angular scales Amplitude highly sensitive to s8 pengjie map is 1.19 deg x 1.19 deg; color scale is dT/T=-2y A. Cooray (astro-ph/0203048) P. Zhang, U. Pen, & B. Wang (astro-ph/0201375)
The Experiments
Experimental State of the Art Sunyaev Zeldovich Array (SZA) South Pole Telescope (SPT) ACBAR BIMA BLAST Green Bank Telescope / Penn Array ALMA CBI
The SZ Array & South Pole Telescope J. Carlstrom et al.
Courtesy J. Mohr - The SZA (Carlstrom) 8 antennas, 3.5m diameter, 30 GHz CARMA site in CA 6 x 10.4m OVRO 11 x 6m BIMA Combined array Courtesy J. Mohr -
Courtesy J. Mohr - SZE Surveys (e.g. SZA) Exploit redshift-independence of SZE Massive clusters – high bias, tail of distribution Probe dark energy Competing effects: Volume vs. redshift Growth of structure vs. redshift Problems Uncertain Mass/SZE relation Redshifts Confusion (w/CMB, lower mass objects) Courtesy J. Mohr -
South Pole Telescope (Carlstrom) 8 meter telescope, off-axis 1027 element bolometer arrays @ 90, 150, 217, 270 GHz Survey 4000 sq. deg with 1.3’ pixels at 150 GHz Spiderweb TES bolometers (Adrian Lee) Courtesy J. Mohr -
The Arcminute Cosmology Bolometer Array Receiver U.C. Berkeley: W.L. Holzapfel (co-PI) M.D. Daub C.L. Kuo M. Lueker M. Newcomb D. Woolsey C. Cantalupo Case-Western: J. Ruhl (co-PI) J. Leong Caltech: A.E. Lange C. Reichardt M.C. Runyan UCSB: J. Goldstein E. Torbet CMU: P. Gomez J.B. Peterson A.K. Romer Cardiff: P.A.R. Ade C.V. Haynes C. Tucker JPL: J.J. Bock A.D. Turner ESA: R.S. Bhatia G.I. Sirbi ACBAR is funded by the NSF Office of Polar Programs
Overview of ACBAR: ACBAR Instrument 16-pixel, multi-frequency, 240 mK, millimeter-wave bolometer array. Observes from 2m Viper telescope at the South Pole with 4-5 beams. 2002 Winter Crew Bands, filters, detectors, and angular resolution similar to Planck HFI. Assembled: Fall 2000 Installed: January 2001 Upgraded: December 2001 Observed through Nov 2002
Frequency Bands: Configurable to observe simultaneously at: Thermal SZ (y=10-4) Frequency Bands: Configurable to observe simultaneously at: Bands located at peak intensity of CMB anisotropies and across the SZ thermal null. 0 150 GHz 30 GHz (20%) 220 GHz 30 GHz (14%) 280 GHz 50 GHz (18%) 350 GHz 24 GHz (7%) 100 K CMB Avoids foregrounds: Dust Radio sources Atmosphere Model of SP atmospheric transmission
Panel lowers for low-EL observations Viper Telescope: 2m off-axis Gregorian Chopping flat at image of primary formed by secondary Skirt reflects primary spill-over to sky. Ground shield blocks emission from EL< 25º. Panel lowers for low-EL observations Large AZ chop (~3°) + small beams (~4-5) = broad -space coverage (~75 to 3000)
Beams and Calibration: 2002: Venus 2001: Mars band FWHM 150 GHz 4.8 220 GHz 4.0 280 GHz 4.0 350 GHz 5.7 2001: Mars band FWHM 150 GHz 4.7 220 GHz 4.2 280 GHz 3.9
2001 & 2002 Observations: Centered fields on mm-bright point sources. (Finkbeiner, Davis, & Schlegel, 1999) 150 GHz Dust Model Centered fields on mm-bright point sources. Each field is ~18 deg2. Point source provides monitor of pointing and beams. Coadded point source image includes beam size and pointing jitter. FIELD (PMN object) RA (J2000) DEC Time (d) 150/beam CMB2 (J0455-4616) 73.962 -46.266 39 ~9K CMB5 (J0253-5441) 43.372 -54.698 109 ~5K CMB6 (J0210-5101) 32.692 -51.017 23 — CMB7 (J2235-4835) 338.805 -48.600 21 —
CMB2 Field (~10 deg2) Mostly from 2001 150 GHz Temperature Map 150 GHz Lead/Main/Trail Subtracted to Remove Scan Synchronous Offsets Noise Map S/N~40 on degree scale structure
CMB5 Field Winter 2002 Highest S/N Map of the CMB to date S/N~100 On degree scale structure
LBNL-NERSC Supercomputer tackles number crunching ACBAR Power spectrum before/after foreground subtraction IRAS Dust Template 102(CMB2)+68(CMB5) PMN Radio Sources
Kuo et al. astro-ph/ 0212289 ACBAR VS. the World Pre-WMAP Sample Variance dominated Noise Dominated ACBAR VS. the World Pre-WMAP
First ACBAR Cluster Image: A3266 z=.0545 Tx=6.2 keV Lx=9.5x1044 Requires Multi-frequency Data to Subtract CMB
ACBAR So Far: Completed 2nd year of observations. Instrument performing well and meeting specifications. Power spectrum and cosmological parameters based on two fields just released (astro-ph/0212289, 0212517). Analysis of power spectrum from two times more sky underway. Deep pointed observations of the nine brightest REFLEX clusters accessible from the Pole. Analysis of pointed SZ cluster observations and SZ cluster search is in progress.
Future Plans for ACBAR: 2003: 2004: 1/2 year with instrument unchanged from 2002 configuration. More sky coverage and more clusters. Reconfigure focal plane to match mapping sensitivities at 150 and 220 GHz. Separate primary CMB and SZ! Measure SZ power spectrum Improve ability to find unknown SZ clusters in blank fields.
W. Holzapfel, J. Carlstrom BIMA W. Holzapfel, J. Carlstrom
BIMA Survey of Arcminute Scale CMB Anisotropy
BIMA Observations 9 Telescopes in Compact Array 28.5 GHz Observing Frequency 6.6’ FWHM ~150 μJy/beam RMS (u-v < 1.1 kλ) 15 μK for 2’ Synthesized Beam
CL 0016+16, z = 0.55 X-Ray SZE: = 15 K, contours =2
Sample from 60 OVRO/BIMA imaged clusters, 0.07 < z < 1.03
BIMA Blank Field Survey BDF3 Time ~60 hours u-v =1.1-1.7 kl, Beam=18”X25” RMS ~ 150mJy/beam u-v = 0.63-1.1 kl, Beam=99”X116” RMS ~ 150mJy/beam ~ 15mK Now have 18 fields Of comparable depth Selected for low dust contrast.
Window Functions for the two BIMA band powers
VLA Observations Identify Radio Point Source Contaminants with Deep Observations at 4.8 GHz 1.5 hrs per Field, All 10 fields have been imaged ~25 μJy/beam RMS, 9’ FWHM beam 6s source positions used to project out in covariance matrix
Comparison with Models for SZ power Spectrum Includes sample variance Statistical error only Dawson et al. ApJ 581, 86D 2002
Cosmological Constraints Komatsu, 2002.
Summary 1. Observations with the BIMA array have resulted in a significant detection of excess power on the scales at which the SZ effect is expected to dominate 2. The measured anisotropy is consistent with a σ8 = 0.9-1.0 cosmology. 3. Analysis of the BIMA image statistics and follow-up optical observations are in progress to determine the source of the excess power.
Balloon-borne Large Aperture Submillimeter Telescope BLAST Balloon-borne Large Aperture Submillimeter Telescope University of Pennsylvania Brown University University of Miami JPL University of Toronto University of British Columbia INAOE – Mexico Cardiff University
The Sub-millimeter Background is Largely Unexplored Territory
BLAST Telescope and Detector Parameters State-of-the-art detectors SPIRE assembly Compact arrays LDB flight High-altitude telescope JPL Spiderweb bolometers
Simulated Sky at 250 microns Smoothed to BLAST Beams BLAST Telescope and Detectors Combine to Give Impressive Mapping Capabilities BLAST Array Coverage 6.5 X 13 arcmin Simulated Sky at 250 microns Smoothed to BLAST Beams
The Star Formation History of the Universe BLAST will make maps of the sub-millimeter sky covering 1-10 sq. deg. Steidel 2000
Star Formation History Steidel Madau Lilly (SCUBA) Compilation from Blain 2002
Evidence for High Star Formation Rates at High - z Peak in AGN activity at z=2-3 implies that massive structures exist at high-z. (At low-z, powerful AGN reside in the most massive galaxies; > 5 L* , M > 5 x 1011 M) At z=3, the Universe is 2 Gyrs old. This requires SFR > 250 M/yr to build massive galaxies. Lyman drop-out galaxies at z~3 show SFRs ~ ~5 -50 M/yr (accounting for dust obscuration) Old elliptical galaxies exist at z = 1.5 with ages of 3-4 Gyrs The current sensitivities of sub-mm surveys only allows the detection of luminous (> 1012 L) starburst galaxies with SFRs > 100 M/yr
Can You Find the Galaxy? I/K band observations with SCUBA 850 m and candidate counterparts Results are inhibited by uncertainties in identification and redshift determination 25” panels (from Smail 2002)
Photometric Redshifts in Sub-mm Z = 4 BLAST Z = 0.1 SCUBA
Strong Negative k-correction Saves the Day Negative k-correction produces a “constant” sub-mm flux for a galaxy of fixed luminosity with increasing redshift.
LOTS and LOTS of Galaxies Later…… The expected error is dominated by the range in SED models
Science Goals of BLAST + Extragalactic Surveys 250-500 m Wide (shallow) and narrow (confusion–limited) extragalactic surveys – BLAST will identify the galaxy populations responsible for producing the far-IR and sub-mm backgrounds. BLAST will also determine the amplitude of clustering of sub-mm galaxies on scales of 0.1 – 10 degrees.
Science Goals of BLAST + + + Extragalactic Surveys 250-500 m Sub-mm Source Counts + + Measure SEDs Measure sub-mm source counts - BLAST will place the strongest constraints to date on evolutionary models and global star formation history of starburst galaxies at high redshift.
50 hour 250 m LDB Survey Strategies Galaxy Counts Survey Area (sq. deg) 1 depth mJy # of pixels # of Gal. > 5 > 10 # of 5 Gal. Z > 1 Z > 3 1.0 5 18334 835 265 765 147 2.0 7 36668 1012 291 927 151 4.0 10 73336 1100 294 988 36 30 660024 990 246 895 105 The depth of the surveys can be adjusted to address different science goals. The number of galaxies detected at 5 will be more than 20 times the total number of 5 sources detected by SCUBA in the last 4 years.
Fast Return on Science 500 m array Test pointing and star tracker First North American flight in 2003 500 m array Test pointing and star tracker First LDB flight in 2003 BLAST Gondola
A 3 Millimeter Array Receiver For the GBT PENN Array : A 3 Millimeter Array Receiver For the GBT PI: Mark Devlin (Upenn) GBT: Brian Mason
The GBT is BIG…..Really BIG 100 by 110 m off-axis Gregorian system unblocked aperture interchangeable receivers 2000 panels Active Surface good to 100 GHz
After we include the efficiency of the receiver this is: 3 mm Receiver on the GBT In phase III the GBT will have an effective surface area of ~2500m2 For an 18 GHz band: This is for each PSF! After we include the efficiency of the receiver this is:
PSF “System Temperature” Including receiver efficiency
GBT Surface Accuracy Phase 1 Active Surface off Holographic Alignment 1.0 mm surface RMS Phase 2 Active Surface controlled by model 0.36 mm surface RMS Phase 3 Laser ranging system turned on accurate to 100 mm over 200m 0.24 mm surface RMS Surface good to frequencies of 100 GHz
Penn Array Receiver 81 to 99 GHz bandpass 8 by 8 array of TES bolometric detectors beam: 8’’ fwhm A fully sampled (0.5fλ) focal plane Background limited detectors
Point source (switching) In one hour…….. Observing mode Sky coverage Sensitivity (1σ) Point source (switching) 32″ × 32″ 3.0 μJy Photometric redshifts for known sources Observations of the galactic center Measuring the albedo of known Trans-Neptunian objects 20 μJy 5′ × 5′ Slow scanning High resolution maps of the Sunyaev-Zel’dovich effect Understanding the physics of star and planet formation Studies of centimeter-sized dust grains in the Solar system 107 μJy 1° × 0.2° Fast scanning Large area surveys : Trans Neptunian objects, galactic plane etc
The Sunyaev-Zel’dovich effect With Nobeyama 45m RX J2228+2037 80″ resolution @21GHz 0.5 mJy/beam 34 hour integration 8″ resolution @90GHz 0.05 mJy/beam 15 minute integration Z~0.08 8’’=8 kpc ! With the GBT Pointecoateau etal. 2002
PAR Time line: On the GBT by Fall 2004 Already done: To Do: basic optics design cryogenic design / test dewar detector parameters Build detectors & Mux Receiver Control Electronics Cryogenics testing Data Analysis pipeline On the GBT by Fall 2004
GBT: Properties of Faint Sources at High Frequencies Sensitive Targeted Surveys GOAL Better understanding of faint point source population, high-L follow up. GBT 1cm Rx 26 – 40 GHz MAP-style balanced radiometers (dual-pol’n) excellent 1/f rejection 0.25 mJy/sec^0.5 Radiometry & (spectro)polarimetry of faint sources ON THE TELESCOPE BY FALL 2003
ALMA Cosmology Atacama Large Millimeter Array North America (NRAO), Europe (ESO) Japan may join as a partner 64 antennas, 12 m diameter, Chajnantor site Compact configuration, largest out to 17 km Lowest bands: 90 GHz, 30-43 GHz (if Japan joins) Sub-mm galaxies identification and followup SZE in compact config Possible Compact Array with 7m antennas First telescopes ’06, First science ’07, Operations ’10