Medical-Surgical Nursing: An Integrated Approach, 2E Chapter 7 WELLNESS CONCEPTS
Health A state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
Wellness A state of optimal health wherein an individual: Moves toward integration of human function. Maximizes human potential. Takes responsibility for health. Has greater self-awareness and self-satisfaction.
Forms of Wellness Emotional (Being able to understand your own feelings and express them). Mental (Being alert, creative, logical, curious). Intellectual (Ability to think, process information, solve problems). Vocational (Satisfied in school and/or job and works well with others). Social (Satisfying relationships). Spiritual (Possessed of values, ethics, morals). Physical (Exercise, good nutrition, care of one’s body).
Federal Health Objective: Healthy People 2000/2010 Overall goals: Increasing life span for Americans. Reducing health disparities among Americans. Achieving access to preventive services for all Americans.
The Three Types of Health Prevention Primary - all practices designed to keep health problems from developing (e.g. immunizations, proper nutrition, smoke free environments). Secondary - early detection, diagnosis, screening, and intervention. Tertiary - caring for a person already ill.
Prevention Health Care Team Individual - ultimate responsibility Nurses - teaching & screening Primary Physicians - family practitioners, internists, pediatricians
Factors Affecting Health Genetics and human biology. Personal behavior. Environmental influences. Health care.
Personal Behavior This area has many factors influencing health and wellness: Diet. Exercise. Personal Care. Sexual Relationships. Level of Stress. Tobacco and Drug Use. Alcohol Use. Safety.
10 Crucial Health Practices Regular medical care, immunizations and screenings Stay lean Protect self from sexually transmitted diseases Regular exercise—3 hours per week ideal Minimize exposure to environmental hazards Diet low in fat, cholesterol, and salt Avoid excessive stress No more than 2oz. of alcohol per day Drive cars with air bags and seatbelts; do not drink and drive No tobacco and drugs