The Present Continuous/Progressive Tense
Verb be + verb + ing The form: e.g : is eating / are drinking / is listening
Uses: 1- The action is happening right now: We are writing the lesson now. He is eating his dinner now. They are relaxing by the lake.
2- The action is currently in progress: We are learning Italian this month. I am studying grammar 1 this semester.
The Negative form Verb to be + not + verb + ing Hiroshi is not wearing boots. They are not reading the book. I am not playing football with them.
Yes/No Questions Yes, he is reading the text right now. - Is he reading the text right now? No, I’am not getting tired. - Aren’t you getting tired? No, they aren’t learning Italian this semester. - Aren’t they learning Italian this semester?
Information Questions We are leaving at noon. When are we leaving ? They aren’t wearing shoes because their feet are hurting them. Why aren’t they wearing shoes?