What do you remember about the causes of WWI? Warm up 12/13 What do you remember about the causes of WWI?
Socratic Seminar Citing evidence from both SS and LA you will discuss the following: How did the Gilded Age look different for those above and below the “Gilt”? What were the different types of oppression/marginalization there were faced by minority groups during the Gilded Age/Progressive era (consider post-Civil War through Imperialism) What problems and changes/advancements do we see during this era as a result of how minorities are treated/viewed? (Think women, racial minorities, muckrakers)
Due Friday Critical Read: Perspectives on the annexation of Hawaii Critical Read: Primary documents on Chinese Immigration Critical Read: Gospel of Wealth Reading Notes: Westward Expansion/Native Americans readings
America in WWI
Long Term Causes Imperialism Militarism Nationalism Competition growing over remaining lands Idea starts to form of taking land from others Militarism Everyone planning for war Building navies and armies Nationalism Working for national interest National independence movements Alliances: promised to help if attacked Lots of treaties being signed
Short Term Causes Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand War declared on Serbia Russia mobilizes to help Austria Germany declares war on Russia Planned to defeat France quickly Invade Belgium Britain enters to protect Belgium
2 Powers Central Powers Allies or Triple Entente Germany, Austria-Hungary Allies or Triple Entente Russia, France, Serbia, Great Britain
American Response Mixed views Most sided with Allies Lots of immigrants Most sided with Allies Feared Kaiser Autocrat Lots of British propaganda
Differing Ideas Neutrality Preparedness Peace Keep trade alive with everyone Preparedness Be ready to aid big trade partners Peace Against war in general Mostly social reformers
Entering the War Propaganda coming from Britain Lusitania Passenger ship carrying arms blown up Sussex Pledge Germany promised to give warning Wilson trying to stay out of war Germany takes it back Zimmerman Note Germany promises Mexico land in exchange for alliance – not taken seriously but furthers war
Germany sinks 3 more U.S. ships Congress declares war April 1917 Entering the War Russia Failing Russian Revolution Removed fear of being allied with autocrat Germany sinks 3 more U.S. ships Congress declares war April 1917
America in Europe Army not big enough Selective Service Act (Draft) 3 million drafted Training often very brief New propaganda
America in Europe Convoy system African Americans Bolshevik Revolution Transferred soldiers and goods safely to Europe (partnered with GB) African Americans Most never saw battle Harlem Hell Fighters loaned to French Bolshevik Revolution Lenin signs armistice Germany nearly reaches Paris
Ending the War Battle of the Marne Air Attacks German Revolution Push Germans into retreat Air Attacks Mostly used as scare tactic Needed to counteract zeppelins German Revolution Armistice signed: Nov. 11, 1918
New Warfare Tanks Machine guns Long range artillery Trench warfare
WWI at Home
Money & the Economy Financing Liberty bonds Propaganda Buy now, Redeem later + interest Propaganda Posters and scouts
Economy New Agencies War Industries Board War Trade Board Controlled production (and pretty much everything) War Trade Board No dealing with the enemy National War Labor Board Settle labor disputes to keep industry going (boost for unions) War Labor Policies Board Regulations/standards for war industries
Economy Regulations Lever Food and Fuel Control Act Food Fuel Price controls and rationing Fuel Daylight Savings Time
Enforcing Loyalty Censorship Restricting Immigration Hatred of Germans Literacy tests/quotas Feared spies Hatred of Germans
Loyalty at Home Espionage and Sedition Acts Social Change Can’t encourage obstruction of war efforts Controlling Radicals Socialist groups like IWW that fight capitalism Social Change More mobility for women and minorities
Making Peace Conference in Paris Wilson’s 14 Points Compromise Remove trade barriers Reduce military forces Self-determination for all League of nations Compromise Didn’t get self-determination
League of Nations Key: Attack on one is attack on all Senate feared getting involved in more European wars Rejects League
Final Treaty Biggest problems Didn’t fix tensions Reparations Wilson feared German reaction to debt
U.S. After War Treaty never passes Senate despite popularity Economy has difficulty adjusting without war production industry America pulls out of international affairs