Font tag and its attributes Hexadecimal value Special Character Nesting tags Attribute of heading, <p> and <hr> tag Attributes of <body> tag Inserting Images Marquee tag
Font tag and its attributes Attribute list attributename=“value” <font color=“ ” size=“ ” face=“ ” >…</font> Standard color name Hexadecimal value 1 - 7 Arial, Courier, Times, Script, Georgia, etc
Hexadecimal value Color values consist of 6 characters of hexadecimal (Base 16) preceded by hash symbol (# pound) Each character in hexadecimal value, uses numbers 0-9 or characters A-F. 2 characters for Red, 2 characters for Green and 2 characters for Blue White #ffffff Black #000000
Special Character Special characters are characters which have a meaning in HTML or cannot by typed through keyboard For example, less than < , greater than >, spaces, quotation, copyright Special character are expressed using a special name or numeric character < > ©
Nesting tags Tags placed within an affected segment of another tag for multiple effect is known as Nesting tags Example <b>This text is bold and <u>underlined </u> </b>
Attribute of heading, <p> and <hr> <p align=“ “> ………</p> left, right, center <hn align=” ”>………</hn> n = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Integer or percentage Color Name or Hexadecimal value Integer <hr width=“ ” size=“ ” color=“ ”> Length of the horizontal rule Thickness of the horizontal rule
Attributes of <body> tag Foreground color for the entire document Background color for the document Background image file for the document <body text=“ ” bgcolor=“ ” background=“ ” leftmargin=“ ” rightmargin=“ ” topmargin=“ ” bottommargin=“ ”> ……………………. </body>
Inserting Images <img src=“ ” align=“ ” width=“ ” height=“ ” Source value is name of the image file left, right, middle, center, top, bottom Integer or percentage <img src=“ ” align=“ ” width=“ ” height=“ ” alt=“ ” hspace=“ ” vspace=“ ” border=“ ” > Alternate specifies description of the image Horizontal space surrounding the image Vertical space surrounding the image Thickness of the rectangular border around the image
Marquee tag Direction for text or image -- left, right, up, down Behavior of text or image -- scroll, slide, alternate Background color for the marquee area <marquee direction=“ ” behavior=“ ” bgcolor=“ ” width=“ ” height=“ ” scrollamount=“ ” scrolldelay=“ ” > ……………… The number of pixels between moving the text or image The time between movement in millisecond </marquee>