Science & School Copy notes page 83
Essential Question How does new technology AND going to school change American life at the turn of the century?
By 1900 millions have moved to cities technology helps to accommodate Skyscrapers= allow people to live many floors above ground, Louis Sullivan and Daniel Burnham= skyscraper architect Electric streetcars allow people to live and work in different parts of the city New high speed printing press & huge amounts of paper make magazines/newspapers cheap
Orville and Wilbur Wright= built the first airplane first successful flight 1903 at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina; covered 120 feet & lasted 12 seconds 1920 United States establishes first transcontinental airmail service George Eastman= invented his Kodak camera in 1888, lots of people, including reporters, begin taking pictures
Late 1800s most kids don’t go to school By 1900 almost three-quarters of American kids between 8-14 go to school and are taught reading, writing, and math 1878 there were 800 high schools, 1898 there were 5,500 People start to realize new industrial age needs people who have technical skills!
Whites & immigrants are going to school in 1880s only 34% of blacks go to elementary, 1% go to high school After Civil War with help of Freedmen’s Bureau Howard Univ established, but blacks still excluded from many private institutions 1900, 4% blacks in college
Booker T. Washington= founded Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute, he believed that racism would end if blacks acquired skills useful to society W.E.B. Du Bois= black educator, disagreed with Washington, he founded Niagara Movement which insisted that blacks should seek liberal arts education