What was life like in Nazi Germany? Life in Nazi Germany What was life like in Nazi Germany?
I. Hitler Eliminates Enemies A. As Fuhrer (Supreme Leader), Hitler bans all other political parties B. Hitler names Rudolf Hess Dep. Fuhrer C. Names Heinrich Himmler head of the SS, a mob force which would eliminate Hitler’s political enemies 1. A branch of the SS was a secret force known as the Gestapo a. Gestapo kept everyday citizens in order by terrorizing them into obedience
II. Ministry of Propaganda A. Hitler appoints Joseph Goebbels as Minister of Propaganda 1. Propaganda used to promote Reich and blame Jews/others for pre-war problems 2. Goebbels orders the burning of books written by Jews or anti-Nazi authors 3. Children joined the Hitler Youth or League of German Girls
B. Nazi Propaganda #1 A German children’s book titled: The Poisonous Mushroom Describe cover of the book and the adult in the book. What is the author of this book trying to teach German children?
Translation: The Jewish worm makes his move C. Nazi Propaganda #2 Translation: The Jewish worm makes his move Describe the worm, what is he doing? What is the poster trying to say? Hammer & Sickle Dollar sign
D. Nuremberg Laws 1. 1935: two sets of laws passed in Germany defining race & citizenship a. Protection of German Blood & Honor – 1935 i. Racial categories: German, Jew, & Mischling (grade 1 & 2)
ii. Law forbids the marriage of Jews to non-Jews b. Reich Citizenship Law - 1935 i. Must be German to be citizen ii. Only citizens have full rights
E. Kristallnacht “Night of Broken Glass” 1. 1938: a 17-year old Jewish man shoots a German diplomat, (upset his father was deported to Poland) a. Nazi respond by launching an attack against all Jews 2. Businesses & homes are smashed & burned by SS, thousands of Jews are arrested by Gestapo. Nazis want Jews out of Germany
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzH1iaKVsBM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kkcF8NDqTtY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L90smU0SOcQ