2018 Created By Angela Eaton All About AIMS Science 2018 Created By Angela Eaton
Ticket In Go to az.pearsonaccessnext.com -Sign In Enter Username and click Forgot Password
Objective verify all of your homeroom students are ready for testing (test ticket) review responsibilities of Test Administrator including training and test security discuss ways to support before, during, and after testing BEFORE testing -materials needed for testing -schedule -prepare room & devices DURING testing -read script verbatim -provide testing accommodations -support students with TestNav8 when entering name, password and seal code AFTER testing -make-ups
Responsibilities & Support Page 1 of Manual
Training & Test Security Page 4 of Manual-
Support BEFORE Testing
Test Materials Seal Code written on white board Please Post outside door “Testing Do Not Disturb Sign” Individual Student Test Ticket Student Supplies -Chromebook -Headphones -Scratch Paper -Pencils Teacher Manual Log in for Pearson Access Before testing, teachers need to prepare test materials. We will talk about Seal Codes within DURING section of powerpoint. TEST COORDINATOR TIP- You can print seal codes ahead of time -I had to reprint the test tickets the DAY BEFORE testing. The password was changed in one week time
Allotted Time Test Administrators (you) will support students as he/she log into TestNav8 and enter User Name, Password, and Seal Code Test must be unlocked on day of testing and Seal codes provided Before Testing, teachers need to prepare an allotted amount of time for testing Blank time-open for grade level- AIMS Science is only scheduled for 45-60 minutes each session. MUST HAVE SIGNIFICANT BREAK between 2 session for 4 & 8 pg f2 AIMS is not a timed test. A Test session must be completed by the end of the school day.
Prepare Room Testing- Do Not Disturb sign posted All other visual aids displayed in the testing room that could assist students while testing must be removed or covered Arrange seating so that students can not easily see computer screens and TA walk by Before testing, teachers need to prepare the room Page 6 of testing manual. K-2 students have adopted 3-5 classes to encourage (see Google doc for adopted K-2 teacher)
Prepare Room (continued) Remove cell phones, smart watches or other electronic devices Move backpacks out of reach Before testing, teachers need to prepare room by removing all cell phones, smart watches and other electronic devices page 5 of Manual
Provide Accommodations Text-to-Speech is available for all students Other accommodations prior to testing include hearing and visual which must be entered in Pearson Access prior to testing -Special Paper Version test -Contrast -Closed Captioning Before testing, teachers need to prepare settings before testing… page 5 of Manual (Site specific- only testing accommodation in 4th is Special Paper Version test)
Prepare Student Devices Before testing, teachers need to prepare devices for testing. page 6 of AIMS manual
Support DURING Testing The following slides will show what teachers need to do during testing. Please look at notes for Testing Coordinator notes. Support DURING Testing
Morning of Testing Post Do Not Disturb Sign outside door Write Seal Code on Board Distribute Student Supplies -Chromebooks -Headphones -Pencils -Scratch paper -Test Ticket Monitor Student Progress in Pearson Access Resume Student Tests All test sessions must be started and unlocked on day of testing by Test Coordinator Teachers need the following items for morning of testing (sign, seal code, supplies, handout for monitor/resume student test) Test coordinator MAKE SURE TO start all session and unlock test the day of testing. TWO DAYS prior to testing make sure that all seal codes are printed and all sessions have been prepare in Pearson Next. One Day before testing- print test ticket.
Day of Testing Responsibilities Write Seal Code on Board Test Administrators (you) will support students as he/she log into TestNav8 and enter User Name, Password, and Seal Code Provide Accommodations READ directions in testing manual -Highlight Script on Page 12 Monitor Test Status Resume Student Test Cheat Sheet
Seal Codes Seal Codes will be provided by your test coordinator (4 digit code) Each Section will have a DIFFERENT code - Example: Session 1 Seal Code 3514 ………………..Session 2 Seal Code 1866 Write Seal Code on Board before testing session 4 digit code- Seal codes are needed to unlock sections of test. When a test section is sealed, students cannot proceed into the sealed sections of the test. Each sealed section requires a different Seal Code. The number of Seal Codes you will use is determined by the number of sealed sections in the test. You must use the Seal Codes in the exact order in which they are listed below. For instance: if the table contains two sealed sections, use only the first two Seal Codes and ignore the remainder. page 8 of manual
Support Student Login TestNav8 Page 13 Ideas to help with audio
Test Ticket
Read Directions starting page12 Highlight on Page 12
Cross off 8th grade-page 16 Cross out For 8th Grade
Underline Monitor Student page17 Underline…monitor student progress in Pearson Access
Monitor Student Progress Look at Handout & PAN User Guide
Breaks DURING Testing PAGE 10 and Page 11 Individual need rather than whole group for breaks and restroom. District Test Manual states on page 12 that the test will time out after 45 minutes once paused. The status will go to EXITED. Page 18 of Test Administer Manual says that
Students who LEAVE during testing PAGE 10- District Manuals states that students will be timed out after 45 minutes
Students Who Need More Time Continue testing -Clarify Page 18 of testing manual & Page 23 -Specials & Lunch- ask team mate to bring …..class to Specials and keep working If moved to another classroom he must sign out and Test Administrator must resume test Must complete Section 1 before 2 Must have significant break before 2nd session Some confusion may arise if you read Page 18 of Test Administer Manual (end of session SIGN OUT), Also, page 23 has additional time for test
Resuming a Session Look at Handout & PAN User Guide
Support END Testing
End Session
After Testing Collect all Test Tickets & Scratch paper to be shredded Return Test Administration Manual
Homework Please make sure all of your students have a testing ticket for AIMS Science SPED teachers-please highlight your students from grade-level and collect tickets from homeroom teacher