Light up your writing with FIRES!
Light your Writing on F.I.R.E.S. Facts Illustrations Reasons Examples Statistics
Facts Facts are statements that are true or have been proven. Don’t fill your papers with just opinions, your opinions are not the only thing that matter. Facts make your paper more reliable and believable.
Illustrations Use imagery (descriptions that appeal to the reader’s senses.) in your writing. Written illustrations are not drawings.
Illustrations Scurrrrrrrd, boom went the two cars as they collided at the busy intersection. You could see the grey smoke form throughout the clouds of white fog. The angry aggressive man staggered out of his mangled blue Toyota over towards twisted metal grill that had be torn away from the forest green Jeep. You hear the baby wailing in the back seat of the Jeep as she watched bright red blood seep from the top of her fathers forehead. The shattered glass let in the aroma of burned metal and the noise of foul language as the angry man approach yelling at the disoriented father.
Reasons Your writings should provide reasons why!! We should believe your writing because….
Reasons Mom, I can’t babysit my little brother because I have to do my homework for Ms. Vicious class. If I do not complete my homework, I will fail and I will get kept back in 7th grade. If I get kept back in 7th grade, I will become a bad example for my little brother and Mom, I know that you wouldn’t want that. I want what is best for my little brother so, I’m sorry I cannot watch him. Oh yeah, and I still have to complete my heavy load of chores.
Examples Examples give the reader an idea or picture of what could happen.
Examples Texting and driving makes a person 24 times more likely to be involved in a car accident. For example, CBS 46 reported that Liz Marks was reading a text while driving and was involved in an accident that could have been avoided if she had been paying attention to the road. The devastating crash left her blind in one eye and took away the ability for her to fall asleep without sleeping aids.
Statistics Statistics show a collection of numeric data. Statistics should be believable and should never show 100%. 8/10 students prefer not to wear school uniforms. 95% of dentist insist that you brush twice a day. 1 out of 3 black males will go to jail or prison in their life time.