Bill Reetz Kansas P.G. A Better Earth, Inc. Lawrence, KS 66044 785-764-1674 A Better Earth, Inc 11/20/2018
Brett Tavener, Kansas Department of Health & Environment Oxygen Injection in Deep Fractured Limestone to Stimulate Hydrocarbon Biodegradation Special Thanks to: Sean Carter, Matrix Oxygen Injection Systems Matt Kralik, Coranco Great Plains Brett Tavener, Kansas Department of Health & Environment A Better Earth, Inc 11/20/2018
Site Specifics City public well approx 240’ from source Former service station “Non-active site”- freedom for implementation Clays, limestones, limestones with shale seams GW levels ~80’ bgs. GW concentrations up to 3,900 ppb BTEX How do we remediate the contaminated water?? SVE pilot test failed miserably Soil excavation in 2008 Removed ~722 yds3 to roughly 13’ bgs City public well approx 240’ from source Primary regulatory driver A Better Earth, Inc 11/20/2018
Matrix O2 Injection System Excavated Soils Matrix O2 Injection System A Better Earth, Inc 11/20/2018
Geology- “it’s what rocks the world!” A Better Earth, Inc 11/20/2018
A Better Earth, Inc 11/20/2018
A Better Earth, Inc 11/20/2018
Decisions Obstacles: Needs: SVE is not an option, hence air sparge is not an option either Considerable dissolved phase GW contamination Needs: One time installation No “return attempts” adding equipment Enhance bioremediation of dissolved phase plume Minimal site impact Effective lbs O2/$$ No “fire & reload” attempts A Better Earth, Inc 11/20/2018
Prefered Technology Matrix 12 point, 30 scfh Oxygen System Provides sustained levels of high purity O2 12 similar operating systems in Kansas 2 in Nebraska, 2 in Oklahoma, 2 in Texas Over 300+ sites in US/Canada Full system fits magnitude of the site Patented technology No requirement for SVE (source area removed) A Better Earth, Inc 11/20/2018
A Better Earth, Inc 11/20/2018
A Better Earth, Inc 11/20/2018
A Better Earth, Inc 11/20/2018
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A Better Earth, Inc 11/20/2018
Analysis and Results D.O. maps show increase-decrease-increase cycles- Why? Prior to startup: <2 mg/L Post startup: 13-18 mg/L Immediate rise in D.O. levels indicate switch from anaerobic to aerobic conditions and usage of the oxygen by microbes Over time D.O. rises and falls because of less contaminants consumed by the microbes Results of operation over 3 years 4.4 lbs of O2 per injection point per day Closure time, system is being removed One well with <20 ppb Benzene A Better Earth, Inc 11/20/2018
Site “A” Plan View A Better Earth, Inc 11/20/2018
Site “A” D.O. Utilization A Better Earth, Inc 11/20/2018
Site “A” VOC Degradation A Better Earth, Inc 11/20/2018
Laboratory Study Results (Days) A Better Earth, Inc 11/20/2018
Oxygen Injection Equilibriums: 90% pure oxygen (@10’/500F) has an equilibrium in water of 36mg/L 21% oxygen (air sparge) at same conditions has an equilibrium in water of 8 mg/L High D.O. stimulates aerobic and facultative anaerobic bacteria, inhibiting growth of iron- reducing bacteria, i.e. will not add to iron slime deposits on well screens Pulsed injection for sufficient dispersion Provides for sustained high levels of D.O. Eliminates depleting source of D.O. preventing return to reducing conditions Oxygen must be distributed throughout the plume Dispersion and Advection, same paths as the contaminants A Better Earth, Inc 11/20/2018
Oxygen Injection Oxygen injection yields homogenous distribution of high levels of D.O. rather than unconnected D.O. “plumes” often associated with slow release peroxides and down-well oxygen diffusers >1 lb/day/point vs <0.1 lb/day/point Gasoline oxygenates (ex. MtBE), require higher D.O. concentrations than aromatics. A depleting D.O. scenario risks deactivating contaminant degraders. A Better Earth, Inc 11/20/2018
Safety Pressure sensors trigger alarms and shuts down system Stops production of O2 Passive venting of trailer to atmosphere prevents O2 enriched environment O2 Storage Tank <64 ft3 total volume Tank vented to atmosphere Small flash but no explosion if there is a broken valve or tubing A Better Earth, Inc 11/20/2018
Safety Systems placed in downtown NYC and bulk storage facilities Questions are common, but yet to be turned away from any site installation Supplied purity meter can be used to monitor O2 and reach inside to measure ambient inside trailer “No Smoking” placards
Another Tool in Toolbox Potentially quicker remediation time frames Easier to install Can be installed and operating in a day Less maintenance, lower utility costs Quieter Effective Limitations Low porosity (clays, what does work?) NAPL is not biodegradable O2 treats the dissolved phase, not unsaturated A Better Earth, Inc 11/20/2018
Questions?????????? Feel free to ask now, during a break, call me, or send me an email. I am happy to answer any questions. Thank You! A Better Earth, Inc 11/20/2018