Get Fit Boot Camp
Lets Warm Up! Run in place for 30 seconds
Now do 5 burpees
Next lets do 5 inch worms
Last lets do 30 jumping jacks
Lets Begin Our Workout 1 minute of push-ups make sure your elbows reach 90 degrees Keep you back flat Knee push-ups are ok just do your best
1 minute of sit-ups Keep your hand on your chest Make sure to go all the way up
1 minute of burpees Make sure your chest touches the ground Dont forget to jump after you stand up
1 minute of air squats Go all the way to parallel
1 minute of rest Put your hands behind your head, take deep breaths and walk around
Lets Begin Our Workout 1 minute of push-ups make sure your elbows reach 90 degrees Keep you back flat Knee push-ups are ok just do your best
1 minute of sit-ups Keep your hand on your chest Make sure to go all the way up
1 minute of burpees Make sure your chest touches the ground Dont forget to jump after you stand up
1 minute of air squats Go all the way to parallel
1 minute of rest Put your hands behind your head, take deep breaths and walk around
Stretch Out 1.Quad stretch 2.Hip stretch 3.Low back/ hamstring stretch 4.Chest stretch