Describe the movement of pasta in boiling water. Warm Up November 21, 2014 Describe the movement of pasta in boiling water.
Plate Boundaries and Landforms
Tectonic Plates
Plate Tectonics Greek – “tektonikos” of a builder Pieces of the lithosphere that move around Fit together like jigsaw puzzles
Convection Currents Plates are moved around by the underlying hot mantle convection currents Cooler materials are denser and sink towards center of the earth As they heat up they rise towards the crust How and Why do tectonic Plates move around? The question of how tectonic plates are moved around the globe is answered by understanding mantle convection cells. In the mantle hot material rises towards the lithosphere (like hot air rising out of an open oven - ever opened an oven door and felt the blast of hot air coming past your face?). The hot material reaches the base of the lithosphere where it cools and sinks back down through the mantle. The cool material is replaced by more hot material, and so on forming a large “convection cell” (as pictured in the diagram). This slow but incessant movement in the mantle causes the rigid tectonic plates to move (float) around the earth surface (at an equally slow rate).
How Plates Move
Convergent Boundaries Convergent Plates- Come together or Collide When continental plate collide they form mountains!
Convergent Boundary – Indian and Eurasian Plates Indian Plate
Convergent Boundaries Convergent Plates- Come together or Collide When an oceanic plate collides with a continental plate the oceanic plate is subducted (goes under) the continental plate forming an oceanic trench and volcanoes. Subduction
Convergent Boundary – Oceanic & Continental &
Divergent Boundaries Divergent Plates- Divide or spread apart Form Rift Valleys with two continental plates spreading apart.
Transform Boundaries At a transform fault plates slide past each other. When two plates slide against each other earthquakes occur.
Interactive 2 Mountain Maker Earth Shaker Website Rift Valley- National Geographic
Warm Up The three plate boundaries are divergent, convergent, and transform. Give the crustal feature that each one forms.
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