Jar Full of Marbles
This beaker is filled with marbles. Can I fit anymore into this space?
Will this salt fit in the beaker ?
Now there is more stuff in here than before Now there is more stuff in here than before. Can I add anything more to this space?
This is the same amount of space as when I started with just the marbles, but now there is a LOT more stuff in here. Jar is filled with water. It has dissolved some of the sugar at the top of the beaker.
Scientists have a word to describe how much stuff is in a certain amount of space ~ density density = stuff space
These terms don’t seem “official.” In math, what is space called? density = stuff space
volume density = stuff = space volume
What do we call stuff in science? density = stuff = space volume
Matter which has mass density = stuff = mass space volume
density = mass volume