Statistical indicators for the Bologna implementation report


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Presentation transcript:

Statistical indicators for the Bologna implementation report Meeting of the BFUG working-group on Bologna implementation reporting 16 November 2010, Luxembourg Presentation by Fernando Reis, Eurostat and Dominic Orr, EUROSTUDENT/HIS Note: This presentation was used to illustrate the new indicators proposed in the document entitled “Draft overview of indicators for the BFUG Integrated Implementation Report” prepared for the meeting. This document should be referred to in conjunction with this presentation. For the EUROSTUDENT data, country names have been replaced by numbers, as this data is provision.

2. Degrees and Qualifications

2.1: Share of students enrolled and graduating in programmes following the Bologna 3 cycles structure Source: Eurostat. Provisional data. Not for unrestricted circulation.

2.1: Share of students enrolled by type of programme 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% BE BG CZ DK DE EE IE EL ES FR IT CY LV LT LU HU MT NL AT PL PT RO SI SK FI SE UK HR MK TR IS LI NO CH AL BA JP US Short Bologna programmes Long first degrees Bachelor Master Ph. D and Programmes outside the Bologna structure (< 3 years) (> 4 years) post - doctorate Source: Eurostat. Provisional data. Not for unrestricted circulation.

2.1: Share of students continuing their first cycle studies (BA) in a second cycle (MA) Source: EUROSTUDENT IV, StH7. Provisional data. Not for unrestricted circulation. Ranked by share of BA planning to go on to MA

4. Social Dimension

4.4: Impact of students background in their participation in higher education Share of population aged 18-29 who were in 2009 studying in higher education by migrant status (country of birth) Source: Eurostat. Provisional data. Not for unrestricted circulation.

4.4: Impact of students background in their participation in higher education Early leavers from education and training by migrant status (country of birth) Source: Eurostat. Provisional data. Not for unrestricted circulation.

4.4: Impact of students background in their participation in higher education Comparison between migrants / non-migrants difference in higher education participation and migrants / non-migrants difference in early school leaving migrants / non-migrants difference in higher education participation migrants / non-migrants difference in early school leaving Source: Eurostat. Provisional data. Not for unrestricted circulation.

4.5: Age profile by characteristics of students Source: EUROSTUDENT IV, StA1. Provisional data. Not for unrestricted circulation. Ranked by all students aged up to 24

4.5: Form of housing by social background Irrespective of the age profile of he general student population, e.g. 24 and 1, part-time students (i.e. low intensity students) tend to be older = important in the context of demographic changes Source: EUROSTUDENT IV, StD4. Provisional data. Not for unrestricted circulation. Ranked by share of students living with partner and/or children. Low education = highest educatonal attainment of parents ISCED 0-2, high education = ISCED 5-6

4.8: Percentage of students who pay fees to higher education institutions Source: EUROSTUDENT IV, StF9. Provisional data. Not for unrestricted circulation. Ranked by students who pay fees

4.8: Distribution of students expenditure by type of expenditure: Here key expenses by share of total monthly expenses Source: EUROSTUDENT IV, StF2. Provisional data. Not for unrestricted circulation. Ranked by fees as share of total expenditure

4.8: Recipients of public support and importance of income source Source: EUROSTUDENT IV, StF7. Provisional data. Not for unrestricted circulation. Ranked by share of recipients.

4.8: Public support by payment of fees to institutions of higher education for Bachelor students: Here average fee vs average student aid Source: EUROSTUDENT IV, StF9. Provisional data. Not for unrestricted circulation. Ranked by average tuition fee

4.8: Students’ assessment of their financial situation as sufficient Source: EUROSTUDENT IV, StE5. Provisional data. Not for unrestricted circulation. Ranked by share of students, who (strongly) agree

5. Outcomes and Employability

5.1: Tertiary education attainment and graduation rate Share of population aged 30-34 years who have successfully completed university or university-like (tertiary-level) education Year 2009 17.5% Source: Eurostat. Provisional data. Not for unrestricted circulation.

5.1: Tertiary education attainment and graduation rate Graduation rates relate the number of graduates coming out of higher education institutions every year to population size. Age class Number of graduates in age class corresponding to 30-34 years old 2009 cohort, by year Czech Republic The persons who in 2009 have between 30 and 34 years old and hold a higher education degree have graduated in the 15 years before 81% have graduated between 1998 and 2004 88% have graduated before 2005 Net graduation rate by year (Proxy to the probability of graduating from higher education) Graduation rate almost triple during the 15 years span During the years when 30-34 years old 2009 cohort graduated, graduation rate was around 18% The 18% is very close to the 17.5% of attainment level in 2009 Source: Eurostat. Provisional data. Not for unrestricted circulation.

6. Lifelong Learning and Recognition

6.8: Participation in lifelong learning Percentage of students enrolled in higher educationwith 30 or more years old 2008 European Higher Education Area Source: Eurostat. Provisional data. Not for unrestricted circulation.

7. International Mobility of Student and Staff

7.2: Balance between inbound and outbound mobility 0% 2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 12% 14% -10% -8% -5% -3% 3% 5% 13% 15% Outbound mobility Balance between inbound and outbound (inbound – outbound) / domestic student population Limited systems (high outbound and low inbound also) Open systems (high outbound but high inbound also) CH NO TR MK HR UK SE FI SI RO PT PL AT NL MT HU LT LV IT FR ES GR IE EE DE DK CZ BG BE Closed systems (low outbound and low inbound also) Attractive systems (low outbound and high inbound) Source: Eurostat, UIS. Provisional data. Not for unrestricted circulation.

7.12: Attractiveness of the EHEA for students Share of worldwide mobile students studying in the EHEA Source: Eurostat, UIS. Provisional data. Not for unrestricted circulation.

7.5: Other short-term mobility Source: EUROSTUDENT IV, StI4. Provisional data. Not for unrestricted circulation. Countries ranked by share of students on language courses