Skeletal System Review LT 1
Classification of Bones LT-3
LT-4 functions of skeletal system
LT-5 Importance of Bone Markings Bone markings are projections, depressions, and openings found on the surface of bones that function as sites of muscle, ligament, and tendon attachment, as joint surfaces, and as openings for the passage of blood vessels and nerves.
Learning Target 6,7,8 Bone is connective tissue including living and nonliving matter Compact vs Spongy bone Red vs Yellow marrow Endosteum vs Periosteum
Learning target 10 bone growth bone resorption-break down
Bone growth Crash course
Bones Cant Pop During Exercise growth Bone Collar Formation Cavitation Periosteal Bud Invasion Diaphysis Elongation Epiphiseal Ossification
Bone Repair
Male vs Female
Fractures compound vs simple open vs closed
Learning target 11-12 Articulations and motion Synarthosis Amphiarthosis Diarthrosis
Synovial joints
Bone Markings