Absorption and Colour Along with everything else in the world, plants are the colour they are because of the light that they reflect, and all other colours are absorbed, to some degree.
Absorption and Colour Plants absorb large portions of the colour spectrum at either end, but do not absorb as well in the middle.
Absorption and Colour
Absorption and Colour So with this understanding of plants and their light absorption, what can we predict about the colour that plants will appear in different light?
Describe how the plant looks in this White Light. Predict how it would look in Red light.
Describe how this plant looks in Red Light. Predict how it would look in Blue Light.
Describe how this plant looks in Blue Light. Predict how it will look in Yellow Light.
Describe how this plant looks in Yellow Light. Predict how it will look in Purple Light.
Describe how this plant looks in Purple Light. Predict how it will Look in Green Light.
Did this plant absorb light as you had expected? Would a different shade of Green affect your results?