ESF State Operating Budget 2016-17 2nd Quarter Update Presentation to Academic Governance February 23, 2017
State Budget in Context (2014-15)
2016-17 “Close the Gap” Items Included 2016-17 include (but not limited to): Furlough payback Collective Bargaining Wage and Salary Adjustments Faculty / Administrative search costs Increased proportion of out-of-state students Utility and energy efficiency initiatives
State Support ($000s) The nominal reduction in state support from 2008 to 2016 is $5.3m. However, when one considers the reduction in purchasing power due to inflation, when compared to $27,938 in 2008, the 2016-17 figure is conservatively estimated to be $20,300, or a $7.6m reduction. Projected
Revenue ($000’s)
Expenditures ($000’s)
Reserves ($000’s)
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