Constructing Meaning & Small-group Instruction
Reading Strategies for Students Noticing Connecting Picturing Wondering Guessing Figuring Out
Incorporating New Strategies Begin teaching strategies first. Use real world examples to help them identify. Notice things about classmates, guess about topics in class or game in P.E., wonder about a character’s emotions in social studies. Model Strategies in whole group- TEACHER ! Model Strategies in whole group- STUDENTS! Use small group with connection cards. Students can make connections independently .
Example of STRATEGY MODELING Used with upper elementary & middle school. Do as a whole group. DO NOT allow the students to contribute! (It will drive them CRAZY! They will Beg to add or share their ideas!) Move to small group setting, led by students.
The Life and Times of Lily Memoir of a Mutt By Lily Step 1: Think Aloud about the Title, Subtitle, and Author I NOTICE that the author does not have a last name. I NOTICE this is a memoir, which means it’s about someone’s life experiences. I am also NOTICING the it says memoir of a mutt. I am GUESSING that the author is writing from the mutt’s point of view. I know I can CONNECT because I have a dog. I WONDER if Lily is like my dog? I am going to FIGURE OUT why the author wrote this story!
Think Aloud: Chunk 1 I am NOTICING that I was right about the author writing from the dogs point of view. I am FIGURING OUT that the dog really is spoiled. I have proof!! I have FIGURED OUT that this is a small dog. I WONDER what kind of dog this is? I can PICTURE the whole scene!
Think Aloud: Chunk 2 I am GUESSING that the other princess-Caitlin- might be a teenager I WONDER what else the author will tell me about Caitlin? I can PICTURE Mom in my mind I NOTICE the word RULES in all caps! I WONDER if the author is going to tell more of Mom's rules?
IT'S YOUR TURN.......... 1. One person be the teacher in your group, and read aloud the next chunk. 2. Allow other members of your group to use these strategies to make connections to this chunk of text. 3. Do the same process for the 4th chunk of text.
IT'S YOUR TURN AGAIN...... 1. A different person is to be the teacher in your group, and will read aloud the next chunk two chunks. 2. This time, members in the group will write ideas on sticky notes WITHOUT using Key Words. 3. Share ideas and have the others guess your strategy!
Why did the author write this story? Go Back To My Purpose Why did the author write this story?
From Whole Group To Small Group
PAPER BALL THROW 1. Take the white piece of paper with the number on it and wad it up!!! 2. When the timer begins, throw your paper ball across the room. 3. Pick up other paper balls that are thrown your way, and throw them again. 4. Continue throwing paper balls until the timer sounds! 5. When the timer goes off, make sure you have a paper ball in hand. 6. Open it up, and join the others who have the same number as you! 7. Your group is to find a table or area to sit together to complete the next activity!
Small Group Cards 1. Place the small cards out on the table in the center of your group. 2. Keep the poem covered until your group is ready to read the next stanza. 3. Silently, read the title of the poem. 4. Each person is to draw a connection card. 5. Each person is to share their connection with the group. 6. Uncover the first stanza of the poem, and repeat steps 4 & 5 trying to pick up a new card each time. 7. Stop after stanza 2.
Small Group Cards 1. Read stanza 3 keeping the remaining stanzas covered. 2. Now, record a strategy clue on the sticky notes, without giving the TYPE of strategy away to your group. 3. Share your clue with the group, and have them tell you which type of strategy you made to the text. 4. Place your sticky note on the strategy tree map. 5. Repeat this process for the rest of the poem.
What did we learn? TEACHER learned… Which strategies are the kids favorite Which strategies they are good at Which strategies need to be re-taught for individualized instruction STUDENTS learned… Built more confidence using strategies they understand Listened to others share ideas about strategies they are good at Listened to others share about the strategies they ARE NOT confident in
Other ideas….. Thinking Outside the Box Activity Mystery Reader of the Week Book Fairy
Speaker: Nancy Boyles ancy-boy Free resources Books: Constructing Meaning Small Groups Instruction in the Intermediate Gradesl Folder with downloads on my