WHAT MATTERS MOST: The Health of Children Presentation to WVASN November 2, 2006 Teri Harlan, President, WV School-Based Health Assembly Kathy Verzich, President, WV Association of School Nurses
Today we will… Describe the background and process used for the May 2006 retreat of school nurse and school-based health center reps Explain the recommendations of the participants Answer questions Ask for your endorsement
What Matters Most Retreat May 18 and 19, 2006 Co-sponsored by WVASN, WVDOE Office of Healthy Schools and WVSBHA Purposes: To explore respective roles and responsibilities of school nurses and school-based health centers Identify opportunities for increased collaboration to improve student health
13 Participants Dreama Burks, Mt View Wellness Center, Mingo co. Jennifer Cox, Roane General SBHCs Mary Grandon, Clay Co. SBHCs Teri Harlan, New River SBHCs, Fayette/Nicholas Co. (Pres. SBHA) Lisa Hart, Brandon Wellness Center, Barbour Co. Jane Ishman, School Nurse, Berkeley County Pat Mays, School Nurse and SBHC, Pleasants County Ann Sammons, School Nurse, Raleigh Co. Rosemary Scott, School Nurse and SBHC, Wood Co. Dixie Showalter, Ritchie Co. Primary Care Kathy Verzich, School Nurse, Grant Co (Pres. WVASN) Heather Wood, School Nurse & SBHC, Cabell Co. Robin Yearout, School Nurse & SBHC, Cabell Co.
PROCESS Kathy and Teri chaired the process Rebecca King, Becky King and Eileen Barker served as resource persons & coordinated arrangements Julie Pratt provided neutral facilitation Financial support covered participants’ costs
The Group’s Charge Identify current collaboration successes and barriers Identify unique and common roles of each Develop a framework for coordination Propose adoption by WVASN & WVSBHA Develop MOU between the two entities
Initial Retreat Discussions Commonalities and distinctions between SNs and SBHCs Understanding of purposes of WVASN and WVSBHA
In-Depth Exploration Shared vision for school health Assessment of the environment – positive factors and barriers Recommendations for working together
Shared Vision “Whatever, whenever and wherever” Availability & accessibility Comprehensiveness Safe and welcoming Wellness & prevention oriented Supported Simplification Professional development
Shared Vision: What’s Positive Now? Image and track record Capable, dedicated professionals Funding and other support Collaboration Policy initiatives
Shared Vision: What’s in the way? Insufficient people power Insufficient funding Limited physical facilities Misperceptions about school health Policies and paperwork
Conclusion Issues faced by SNs and SBHCs are similar Problems are not unique to any county
Conclusion Participants agreed that many identified challenges could be addressed through a unified effort by school nurses, school-based health centers and other school health stakeholders.
Notice the smiles! Eating is more fun than working!!
Recommendations for Collaboration What are 6 things SNs and SBHCs could do during the next 2 years to improve school health?
The Top 6 WVASN / WVSBHA joint planning such as: Joint position statement on SN/SBHC partnership (beyond national’s) Coordinate public policy advocacy 100th anniversary of school nursing
The Top 6 Co-sponsor joint training events Work together on patient consent process to overcome HIPAA & FERPA barriers Joint advocacy for comprehensive SH services – health, medical, dental, vision, prevention, mental health, social, nutrition, access to medications,…
The Top 6 Work together on wellness policy and wellness councils Joint campaign on new adolescent vaccines – SNs identify students and work with SBHCs on administering (“a one-day shoot”)
Other Recommendations See page 8 of report Possibilities for working together are endless!
Next Steps Endorsement of the recommendations from WVASN & WVSBHA Members to work on joint strategic plan Inform incoming association presidents WVSBHA enthusiastically endorsed 8/06 WVASN will consider today
Next Steps 2. Broaden support for collaboration by involving other key stakeholders 3. Integrate collaboration into existing goals and activities. (Use existing structures. Try to avoid creating new groups!) 4. Take advantage of collaboration opportunities as they occur
Today’s Tasks for WVASN Q and A Discussion Endorsement Decision Thanks for your commitment to what matters most!