Elements of Fiction Literary Terms
Foreshadowing Suggests events that have not yet occurred. Clues embedded in the story about future events. This technique creates suspense, and keeps readers wondering about what will happen next. Example: Creepy music in a movie foreshadows something bad is about to happen
Irony Differences in appearance versus reality or expectation and result (outcome). Example: In a story when an event occurs that is opposite of what the reader, characters, or audience expects.
Simile A figure of speech that compares two basically unlike things using the words “like” or “as” Example: The students running down the hall was like a stampede of bulls. Her smile was as bright as sunshine.
Symbol/Symbolism Something that stands for or represents something else. An object that serves as a symbol has its own meaning, but also represents other ideas. Example: The American flag Literal Meaning: the flag of our nation Symbolic Meaning: freedom, liberty, democracy etc.
Imagery Highly descriptive language that appeals to one or more of the five senses Example: “Can’t see it,” remarked Rainsford, trying to peer through the dank tropical night that was palpable as it pressed its thick warm blackness in upon the yacht.
Protagonist: the central/main character in a story Antagonist: a character or force in conflict with the protagonist in a story
Personification Giving something that is not human the ability to do something only humans can do. Or giving some human/living quality to a non-living object. Example: During the storm, the wind whistled and the wind knocked forcefully at the windows. The sun smiled down on us while we were at the beach.
Characterization is the act of developing a character. There are several different forms of characterization as well as types of characters. Protagonist: main character Antagonist: major character in conflict with the protagonist
Types of Characterization Direct Characterization: the author directly states a character’s traits Indirect Characterization: an author tells what a character looks like, does, and says and how other characters react to him or her. It is up to the reader to draw conclusions about the character based on the indirect information.
Types of Characters Round Character: shows many different traits—faults as well as virtues Flat Character: shows only one trait __________________________________ Dynamic Character: develops and grows throughout the course of a story Static Character: does not change
Diction Refers to the words a writer or speaker chooses to communicate a message. Diction (word choice) helps to convey an author or speaker’s intent or tone (attitude) about their topic or audience.
Universal Theme A universal theme is a theme that appears in different times, places, and cultures. Examples: jealously, revenge, class and social status, the power of love, the consequences of hate, misuse of power etc…
Unreliable Narrator An unreliable narrator may not know the whole truth OR may choose to deceive us, the readers
Hyperbole The use of exaggeration in order to make a point, for emphasis, or for humor
Verbal Irony This occurs when a person says or writes one thing but means something else, or when a person uses words to convey a meaning that is opposite of the literal meaning
Appeal to Vanity A persuasive technique that appeals to the emotion of vanity (pride or self-esteem) of a person in the attempt to get them to do something, buy something, give something up, etc.