English 11 – Period 4 – Week of Tues, 1/2 & Thurs, 1/4 Welcome back! IF ABSENT last class – Remind text? Check agenda? Complete CW/HW? To do now: p/u vocab sheet and film guide
Today’s Activities Tues Warm Up: MUG Shots #10B / Literary Term – TBD Thurs – no warm up Quack Vocab, List 2, words #1-10 TUES - Video – word & definition / Template – P.O.S., visual, & sentence w/context THURS – Vocab Activity #2 Smoke Signals film View/complete today & Thurs, 1-4 / Film guide due at start of class Mon, 1/8
HW for Thurs, Jan. 4 & beyond Note – I will be out Thurs, 1/4 (class will work on vocab activity #2, Common Lit article, & film guide Vocab – List 2, #1-10 Template due Thurs, 1/4 Activity #2 due Mon, 1/8 Film guide due at start of class Mon, 1/8 Common Lit article due at start of class Mon, 1/8
Examples - In-Text Citation Format Novel: (Alexie #) Online Article: If there is an author - (Last Name of Author) If there is no author - (“Title of Article”)
Examples – Works Cited Citation Format Novel: Last Name, First Name. Title of Book. Publisher, Publication Date. Online Article: Author Last Name, First Name. “Title of Article.” Website, Publisher, Original Publisher, Year Electronically Published, URL of Website. Date of Access (day abbrev. month year).
Incorporating Your Common Lit Quote Ex.: In the Common Lit online article “The Elements of Success”, author Mike Kubic shares that “_____________ _________________________” (Kubic). **This also accomplishes the goal of introducing your Common Lit source.