Crustal Deformation
Crustal Deformation Types of Deformation Folds Faults & Joints Subduction & Mountain Building Collisional Mountain Belts
Terms Dip angle Angle of tilt away from horizontal
GEOL131: Crustal Deformation Types of Deformation
Elastic Rock bends but snaps back to original shape Elastic limit GEOL131: Crustal Deformation: Types of Deformation Elastic Rock bends but snaps back to original shape Earthquakes Elastic limit Capacity of rock for elastic deformation If elastic limit exceeded, deformation is permanent
GEOL131: Crustal Deformation: Types of Deformation Brittle Rock breaks Colder, harder, and shallower rock tends to be brittle
Ductile Rock bends permanently GEOL131: Crustal Deformation: Types of Deformation Ductile Rock bends permanently Deeper, hotter, weaker rock tends to be ductile
GEOL131: Crustal Deformation Folds
Folded Rocks Product of ductile deformation GEOL131: Crustal Deformation Folded Rocks Product of ductile deformation Form at deep crustal levels Rock is warmer
GEOL131: Crustal Deformation: Folds Basic Fold Anatomy Axis Limb Limb
Anticlines & Synclines GEOL131: Crustal Deformation: Folds Anticlines & Synclines
GEOL131: Crustal Deformation: Folds Domes
GEOL131: Crustal Deformation: Folds Basins
GEOL131: Crustal Deformation: Folds Monoclines
Fold Orientations Symmetrical Asymmetrical GEOL131: Crustal Deformation: Folds Fold Orientations Symmetrical Both limbs have same dip angle Asymmetrical Limbs have different dip angles
Fold Orientations Overturned Recumbent GEOL131: Crustal Deformation: Folds Fold Orientations Overturned One limb tilted more than 90 degrees Recumbent Both limbs horizontal
Fold Orientations Upright Plunging Fold axis not tilted GEOL131: Crustal Deformation: Folds Fold Orientations Upright Fold axis not tilted Plunging Fold axis is tilted
Recognizing folds in map view GEOL131: Crustal Deformation: Folds Recognizing folds in map view What patterns do folds make on the Earth’s surface? There is usually no cross-section view available to geologists
Recognizing folds in map view GEOL131: Crustal Deformation: Folds Recognizing folds in map view Upright anticline Upright syncline Oldest layer Youngest layer
Recognizing folds in map view GEOL131: Crustal Deformation: Folds Recognizing folds in map view Upright anticline Upright syncline Oldest layer at center Youngest layer at center
Recognizing folds in map view GEOL131: Crustal Deformation: Folds Recognizing folds in map view Oldest layer at center Youngest layer at center Arrows show direction of fold axis tilt
Recognizing folds in map view GEOL131: Crustal Deformation: Folds Recognizing folds in map view Dome: oldest layer at center Basin: youngest layer at center
GEOL131: Crustal Deformation Faults & Joints
Basic Fault Anatomy Hanging Wall Footwall GEOL131: Crustal Deformation: Faults & Joints Basic Fault Anatomy Hanging Wall Footwall
Dip-Slip Faults Normal faults Reverse faults Thrust faults GEOL131: Crustal Deformation: Faults & Joints Dip-Slip Faults Normal faults Reverse faults Thrust faults
Dip-Slip Faults: Normal GEOL131: Crustal Deformation: Faults & Joints Dip-Slip Faults: Normal
Fault Block Mountains Tensional stress Normal faulting GEOL131: Crustal Deformation: Faults & Joints Fault Block Mountains Tensional stress Normal faulting
Fault Block Mountains GEOL131: Crustal Deformation: Mountain Building Grand Tetons
Dip-Slip Faults: Reverse GEOL131: Crustal Deformation: Faults & Joints Dip-Slip Faults: Reverse
Dip-Slip Faults: Thrust GEOL131: Crustal Deformation: Faults & Joints Dip-Slip Faults: Thrust
Dip-Slip Faults: Summary GEOL131: Crustal Deformation: Faults & Joints Dip-Slip Faults: Summary Normal faults Tensional stress Hanging wall moves down Reverse faults Compressional stress Hanging wall moves up Thrust faults Footwall moves up Lower angle than reverse faults
Strike-Slip Faults Left-lateral Right-lateral Caused by shear stress GEOL131: Crustal Deformation: Faults & Joints Strike-Slip Faults Left-lateral Right-lateral Caused by shear stress
Strike-Slip Faults (Right-lateral) GEOL131: Crustal Deformation: Faults & Joints Strike-Slip Faults (Right-lateral)
Joints Fractures with no movement Cause accelerated weathering GEOL131: Crustal Deformation: Faults & Joints Joints Fractures with no movement Cause accelerated weathering Weathered joints in southern Utah
GEOL131: Crustal Deformation Mountain Building
Types of Mountain Building Fault-block Andean Collisional Cordilleran Alpine
Fault Block Mountains GEOL131: Crustal Deformation: Mountain Building Grand Tetons
Andean-Type Mountain Building GEOL131: Crustal Deformation: Subduction & Mountain Building Andean-Type Mountain Building First stage Development of continental volcanic arc Emplacement of igneous plutons Development of accretionary wedge
Andean-Type Mountain Building GEOL131: Crustal Deformation: Subduction & Mountain Building Andean-Type Mountain Building Second stage Subduction stops Uplift and erosion of igneous plutons Uplift of accretionary wedge
Collisional Mountain Belts GEOL131: Crustal Deformation Collisional Mountain Belts
Cordilleran-Type Mountain Building GEOL131: Crustal Deformation: Collisional Mountain Belts Cordilleran-Type Mountain Building Accretion of multiple volcanic island arcs onto a continent
Alpine-Type Mountain Building GEOL131: Crustal Deformation: Collisional Mountain Belts Alpine-Type Mountain Building Collision of two continents
Alpine-Type Mountain Building GEOL131: Crustal Deformation: Collisional Mountain Belts Alpine-Type Mountain Building Continental escape: blocks of continental crust are pushed away from a continental collision zone
End of Chapter