Use of structural funds for energy efficiency in existing housing in France Carine Puyol November 29, 2010
L’Union Sociale pour l’habitat 4.2 millions of social housing dwellings in France 10 millions of inhabitants housed 770 companies, 76 000 workers 13 billions of investments in 2009 Our commitment to improve energy efficiency: 800 000 households will benefit from energy retrofit for their home by 2020
November 2011: 80 % of ERDF funds allocated in 22 months ERDF allocated to EE in housing ERDF amounts spent (or in process) 216,4 M 208.5 M 167 M
How many Households? Average ERDF support: 2 886 euros per dwelling May 2011: 64, 000 dwellings for low-income households retrofited with the contribution of ERDF (accepted or under approval process) Average ERDF support: 2 886 euros per dwelling
Success Model: partnership National level: work with the French Administration on the conditions of implementation of the ERDF measure in regions. At the local level: Regional Associations of Social Housing with their partners work on Diagnosis and evaluation of needs at regional level the definition of ERDF eligibility criterion, Flexibility in the type of ERDF forms of interventions (allocation/ financial tool) Accompanying measures: support to social housing organization Capitalisation and monitoring
Leverage effect of ERDF FEDER Eco-loan National subsidies local subsidies ERDF is a complement to other fundings: - the eco-loan of the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations - subsidies from public national agencies (ADEME, ANRU) - subsidies from local collectivities Effet levier du FEDER permettant de lever plus de fonds et sur des objectifs plus ambitieux.
ERDF impact
Climatic aspect of the measure Before After
Significant savings per Households Estimation of energy savings per year per households: Based on local experience: energy retrofiting means 40% of energy saving 360 to 1000 €/year Total gain in purchasing power: 18 to 54 Millions€/year
Employment impact = 1.013 billions euros Total investments generated with ERDF support = 1.013 billions euros =15 000 jobs created or maintained Local jobs: mainly SMEs, jobs that can’t be delocalized Des emplois locaux et non délocalisables En majorité des PME et des artisans types entreprises de maçonnerie, couverture zinguerie, étanchéité, menuisiers, peintres, ventilation plombier-isolation, bureau d’étude thermique etc 1MM d’euros investi dans la rénovation de logement= 14.2 emploi (source: MEDAAT)
Potential until 2014 - € 2.2 Billions investments - 31 000 jobs created and maintained - 110,400 households
Potential after 2014 - 17 billions of ERDF (as proposed by Commissionner Hahn) - ERDF = 640 Millions for France - Total investment = 4.4 Billions Jobs created or maintened= 62 000 220 000 households impacted
2014-2021= 17 Billions to improve energy efficiency is Energy efficiency directive proposal: simulation of financial needs to refurbish 3% of public buildings per year If minimum requirement = class D 734 millions €/ year > 27.192 housing/year If minimum requirement = class C 2,3 billions €/ year > 87.912 housing/year If minimum requirement = class B 3,2 billions €/ year > 119.592 housing/year If minimum requirement = classe A 3,5 billions €/ year > 132.000 housing/year 2014-2021= 17 Billions to improve energy efficiency is a minimum !
Conclusion Importance of consuming all the 4% of ERDF to prevent the breakdown of consumption between 2011 and 2014 - Importance of supporting the proposals of the European Commission to devote at least 20% of ERDF for energy efficiency