Management Information System (MIS) IMIS Progress LSBA Gateway of incentive payment SBM-Data Entry SBM - Reports
Module for IHHL Entry and Updation B02: Updation of Beneficiaries Details - In this module data given as per BLS with having toilet and not having toilet. (Yes/No/All) Module to be used only for updating details of beneficiaries having ‘No’ toilets. C21: Entry Beneficiary Progress for 2013-14 C01: Beneficiary Progress (Physical and Financial MPR) - In this module after updation of B02 all the details of beneficiary has to be filled in Physical MPR. After Incentive payment Financial MPR has to be updated. C02 : Approval/Un-Approval of Block/GP MPR (Physical/Financial) - District After updation in C01 module, MPR (Physical & Financial) need approval by the district. Unapproval can also be done by the district from this module. Thereafter data is visible to state for further approval/unapproval Un-approval can be performed until progress report is not approved by state. C07: Marking of ODF declared villages - When 100% beneficiaries updated in the village then mark ‘declared’
Continue… C08: Updation of Dysfunctional Toilets - If Dysfunctional toilets (as per BLS) converted into functional, then update that beneficiaries details from this module. C14: Deletion of Un-Approved MPR - In case of wrong entry of IHHL and MPR has not approved then from this module, district can delete the beneficiary. C16 : Updation of Village Swachhta Index (VSI) - VSI can be updated from this module. Below are the indicators for VSI:- % of HH having access to safe toilet % of HH having no litter outside their premises % of HH having no waste water around them % of public places having no litter D29: Entry/Update the Mason Details C10: Entry/Updates of Sanitary complex
Module for IHHL Shifting and Deletion B03 : Delete household data of BLS - As per ODEP we have to delete access data from Village/GP. Here two options are given for deletion i.e. one by one and Multiple. Only two types of deletions are allowed from this module: Beneficiaries not having toilets Beneficiaries with dysfunctional toiles B06 : Shifting of Beneficiary Data - Reported and Not reported data within the block can be shifted from this module. Before shifting the data one must ensure the target village as per ODEP.
Important Reports from ER ER80 : To view the approved Geo tagged photographs: ER91 : Check the report card of Block/GP/Village: ER101: Entry Status of Mason details
Concerns on MIS Directory Issues : Once the coverage of ward reached 75% then following must be taken care : Step 1 – Beneficiary must be uploaded on IMIS Step II – The beneficiary with correct credentials must be updated/entered on LSBA for payment. Directory Issues : District will have to identify villages in four categories for Correction of Master Directory: Village not exist Village exist, but not habitated Village exist, but data is not complete, Village exist, but data entered in other village Share list of Urbanised Villages/ Panchayats Villages having “zero households” are not allowed to declare ODF.
Step-2 Step-3 Step-4 Step-4A Step-4B Step-5 Step-6 Step-7 Step-9 CLTS Prepare the ODEP plan of the ward/ Village/GP ODEP plan will Approved by AAM Sabha /DWSC Committee Member of AAM Sabha would be -Mukhiya -PRI Member -Teacher -AWW/ASHA -Jeevika Members -Other reputed person of the village Match the Approved ODEP list with BLS data If Beneficeary Name is existing in the Module B02 (BLS) data will use his/her 09 digit Family ID for C01 (Physical updation) If Beneficeary Name is not existing in the Module B02 (BLS) data then we will either add his/her name in B01 or Edit his/her name in B02 Module and then we will use his/her 09 digit Family ID for C01 (Physical updation) After adding or updating module B02 & C01 we will use that particular Beneficiary 09 digit ID for payment through Before login for final payment we have to do inspection & verification of IHHL through Inspector and verifier based on prescribed one page format Step-2 Step-3 Step-4 Step-4A Step-4B Step-5 Step-6 Who will be the Inspector -IAY -PRS -Block Coordinator -Ward Member -AC/CC/cader -Rojgar Sevak Who will be the Verifier --District Coordinator/DPM -Data Entry Operator After Geo-Tagging of IHHL BDO /DPM will use digital signature for beneficiary payment Who will be the beneficiary -Existing Family ID and Name in C01 BDO/DPM/BPM will check before final payment 09 digit Family ID will check from IMIS Beneficary Name should be same in GoI IMIS (C01) and GoB Step-7 After Inspection and verification IHHL details should uplode on GoI IMIS for C01 after that district will allocate GP to concern persons for Geo-Tagging Who will do Geo-Tagging -Indra Awaas Sahayak -PRS member -Vikash Mitra Jeevika cader -CLTS Motivators Step-9 CLTS Step wise Flow Chart of IHHL construction, Payment and Geo-tagging-Bihar After beneficiary incentive payment district will do financial update on IMIS module C01 Downlode BLS data from A03 for Matching & ODEP prepration Step-1 Step-8
वार्ड एवं पंचायत सूचि के लाभार्थियों का प्रपत्र लोहिया स्वच्छ बिहार अभियान वार्ड वार परिवारों की सूचि प्रपत्र वार्ड नंबर : ग्राम पंचायत का नाम : गाँव का नाम प्रखंड का नाम : जिला का नाम : टोला या माज़रा का नाम क्रम संख्या घर के मुखिया का नाम घर के मुखिया के पिता/पति का नाम जाति जीविका समूह से जुड़ी (हाँ / नहीं ) कार्ड का प्रकार कार्ड संख्या श्रेणी उप-श्रेणी में शौचालय की उपलब्धता शौचालय निर्माण का वर्ष और महीना आधारकार्ड (APL/BPL/PHH Card/ Antodya Card/वोटर आईडी/अन्य सरकार द्वारा जारी कार्ड (हाँ या नहीं) APL अन्य ID वाले परिवारों की श्रेणी BPL (SC, ST, General) एव APL अंतर्त सिर्फ विकलांग, लघु एवं सीमांत किसान, भूमिहीन मजदुर और महिला प्रधान वाले परिवार की जानकारी भरे समूह NON समूह हाँ/नहीं शौचालय का प्रकार 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 okMZ esaVj] ------------------- okMZ lnL; ------------------- eqf[k;k] ------------------------ iapk;r esaVj ---------------------- iz[k.M leUo;d --------------------------- iz[k.M fodkl inkf/kdkjh]--------------------------
ग्राम पंचायत वार खुले में शौच से मुक्त कार्य योजना (ODEP) वार्ड की कुल संख्या : गाँवों का नाम – पंचायत का नाम प्रखंड का नाम - जिला का नाम - क्रं.सं. परिवारों का विवरण परिवारों की संख्या 1 स्वच्छ भारत मिशन - ग्रामीण (SBM-G) - BPL परिवार: 2 स्वच्छ भारत मिशन - ग्रामीण (SBM-G) - APL परिवार: 3 लोहिया स्वच्छता योजना (LSY) - APL परिवार: 4 कुल घरों की संख्या लाभार्थियों की सूचि योजना अनुसार परिवारों की श्रेणी उप-श्रेणी संख्या A स्वच्छ भारत मिशन - ग्रामीण (SBM- G) बी.पी.एल. अनुसूचित जाति अनुसूचित जनजाति सामान्य ए.पी.एल. लघु एवं सीमांत किसान भूमिहीन मजदूर विकलांग महिला प्रधान B लोहिया स्वच्छता योजना अन्य
Incentive Distribution Pattern under LSY & SBM-G to the Beneficiary
How to Update in C01 for APL-Other
Documentation at Block Make sure all IHHL form must be completely filled. Make a Register GP wise to fill all the beneficiary details and date of payment. All the IHHL form must be store in file GP and ward wise. Other documents like bill/voucher of expenditure must be store in file.