Privacy Impact Assessment Future Directions TRICARE Management Activity HEALTH AFFAIRS 2009 Data Protection Seminar TMA Privacy Office
Privacy Impact Assessment Future Directions TRICARE Management Activity HEALTH AFFAIRS Privacy in the News
TRICARE Management Activity HEALTH AFFAIRS 3 Privacy Impact Assessment Future Directions Purpose The purpose of this presentation is to provide information on the new efforts to improve the Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) process, to include a synopsis of the new DoD PIA guidance and form
TRICARE Management Activity HEALTH AFFAIRS 4 Privacy Impact Assessment Future Directions Objectives Upon completion of this presentation, you should be able to: Identify the key points outlined in the new PIA guidance Recognize the new features of the PIA template Describe the new efforts established to improve the PIA process
TRICARE Management Activity HEALTH AFFAIRS 5 Privacy Impact Assessment Future Directions Privacy and the Protection of PII DoD takes its responsibility seriously to safeguard personally identifiable information (PII) in its possession and to prevent its theft, loss, or compromise DoD is addressing privacy and security challenges through many initiatives including Privacy Impact Assessments (PIAs), Data-at-Rest (DAR), and ensuring that DoD employees are aware of their privacy responsibilities
TRICARE Management Activity HEALTH AFFAIRS 6 Privacy Impact Assessment Future Directions PIA Requirements Federal Agency PIA Requirements Section 208 of the E-Government Act of 2002 requires all agencies to conduct PIAs for all new or substantially changed information systems that collect, maintain, or disseminate PII on the public New DoD PIA Requirements DoD Instruction expands the coverage to include Federal personnel, contractors, and foreign nationals employed at U.S. military facilities internationally
TRICARE Management Activity HEALTH AFFAIRS 7 Privacy Impact Assessment Future Directions Highlights of DoDI PIA Guidance Formalizes E-Gov Act PIA requirement in DoD for greater visibility and clarity Enhances responsibilities and accountability DoD Program Manager (PM) or designee starts the assessment Requires coordination with PM, Information Assurance, and Component Privacy Expands signature requirements
TRICARE Management Activity HEALTH AFFAIRS 8 Privacy Impact Assessment Future Directions Highlights of DoDI PIA Guidance Better coordination with other processes Privacy Act SORNs Information Collection Certification and Accreditation Budget Establishes review cycle Structures privacy risk identification and assessment with new DoD PIA Form (DD 2930)
TRICARE Management Activity HEALTH AFFAIRS 9 Privacy Impact Assessment Future Directions Highlights of the New PIA Template DD Form 2930 More comprehensive tool Detailed risk analysis questions In-depth PII table for selection Technical, physical, and administrative control list provided Interactive forms with check boxes, radio buttons, and tables Digital signatures for the PDF form MS Word version also available
TRICARE Management Activity HEALTH AFFAIRS 10 Privacy Impact Assessment Future Directions New PIA Template
TRICARE Management Activity HEALTH AFFAIRS 11 Privacy Impact Assessment Future Directions New PIA Template (continued)
TRICARE Management Activity HEALTH AFFAIRS 12 Privacy Impact Assessment Future Directions New PIA Template (continued)
TRICARE Management Activity HEALTH AFFAIRS 13 Privacy Impact Assessment Future Directions New PIA Template (continued)
TRICARE Management Activity HEALTH AFFAIRS 14 Privacy Impact Assessment Future Directions New PIA Template (continued)
TRICARE Management Activity HEALTH AFFAIRS 15 Privacy Impact Assessment Future Directions New PIA Template (continued)
TRICARE Management Activity HEALTH AFFAIRS 16 Privacy Impact Assessment Future Directions New PIA Template (continued)
TRICARE Management Activity HEALTH AFFAIRS 17 Privacy Impact Assessment Future Directions New PIA Template (continued)
TRICARE Management Activity HEALTH AFFAIRS 18 Privacy Impact Assessment Future Directions New PIA Template (continued)
TRICARE Management Activity HEALTH AFFAIRS 19 Privacy Impact Assessment Future Directions New PIA Template (continued)
TRICARE Management Activity HEALTH AFFAIRS 20 Privacy Impact Assessment Future Directions New PIA Template (continued)
TRICARE Management Activity HEALTH AFFAIRS 21 Privacy Impact Assessment Future Directions New PIA Template (continued)
TRICARE Management Activity HEALTH AFFAIRS 22 Privacy Impact Assessment Future Directions New PIA Template (continued)
TRICARE Management Activity HEALTH AFFAIRS 23 Privacy Impact Assessment Future Directions New PIA Template (continued)
TRICARE Management Activity HEALTH AFFAIRS 24 Privacy Impact Assessment Future Directions New PIA Template (continued)
TRICARE Management Activity HEALTH AFFAIRS 25 Privacy Impact Assessment Future Directions FY 09 and FY 10 New Efforts DoD IT Portfolio Repository (DITPR) data review and analysis of privacy reporting elements PIA required elements Relationship to SSN and PII data elements Analysis of Component PIA information reported Privacy Threshold Analysis Tool Develop PIA spot audit process PIA Data
TRICARE Management Activity HEALTH AFFAIRS 26 Privacy Impact Assessment Future Directions PIA Data Quality Analysis Actions Phase one actions Identify PIA DITPR element changes Modify PIA reporting structures Phase 2 actions focus on analyzing Component data Privacy reporting discrepancies Records in non-compliance Records needing adequate explanations Records requiring PIA based on corresponding PII and SSN answers
TRICARE Management Activity HEALTH AFFAIRS 27 Privacy Impact Assessment Future Directions Privacy Threshold Analysis Develop a PTA tool that would be the initial determination point for whether privacy documents (SORN and/or PIA) need to be completed Incorporate questions related to: PIA SORN SSN collection Serve as documentation for each new system Target FY 10 completion and implementation
TRICARE Management Activity HEALTH AFFAIRS 28 Privacy Impact Assessment Future Directions Privacy Spot Audit Process Process for privacy personnel to conduct self-assessments focusing on: Completeness of PIAs Measuring general understanding of PIA process in compliance with DoDI Target FY 10 completion and implementation
TRICARE Management Activity HEALTH AFFAIRS 29 Privacy Impact Assessment Future Directions Moving Forward in DoD PIA Process Increase awareness of PII and the need for adequate protection Increase policy compliancy Better reporting to OMB Identification of areas for enhanced communication and collaboration to enhance privacy throughout DoD
TRICARE Management Activity HEALTH AFFAIRS 30 Privacy Impact Assessment Future Directions Summary You should now be able to: Identify the key points outlined in the new PIA guidance Recognize the new features of the PIA template Describe the new efforts established to improve the PIA process