Primary Newsletter – Thursday 23rd November 2017 POWER HOUR We are very lucky to have a First-Aid at Work and Paediatric first-aid assessor working in our school and he takes groups of children within our weekly ‘Power Hour’ to complete a ‘Mini Medics’ programme. The children are really enjoying these sessions and are learning important life skills which teach them all about what to do in an emergency. By the end of each course, the children would have covered CPR, the recovery position, treating bleeding, shock, broken bones and small burns. LANTERN PARADE On Monday this week, Year 3 had visitors from ‘Arty Party’ company in school to make some really special lanterns with them. On Wednesday this week, the Year 3 children were involved in this year’s Lantern Parade and Christmas Light’s switch on in Greenwich town centre. The procession met at the Old Royal Naval College and travelled around Greenwich town centre, finishing with the switching on of the Christmas lights by characters from this year’s Greenwich Theatre pantomime, Cinderella. The children were real ambassadors for our school in they way they behaved, and this was commented on by several people at the event. They also got the opportunity to meet the Mayor! Well done Year 3! INSET Just a reminder that tomorrow (24th November), there will be an INSET day and the school will be closed.
Bumblebee Class and Class 4W Class 5E Let Your Light Shine Class: DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Friday 24th November INSET DAY – SCHOOL CLOSED Saturday 25th November Year 4 and 5 Dance Performance at Trinity Laban Wednesday 29th November Year 3 Trip to The Natural History Museum Tuesday 5th December Year 4 trip to St George’s Cathedral Friday 8th December Class 5W Assembly and Dance Performance Monday 11th December Year 2 Nativity Play 2pm Wednesday 13th December Reception and Year 1 Christmas Concert 9.30am Monday 18th December Year 3 – 6 carol Concert 2pm Tuesday 19th December Last day – (half day) STAR OF THE WEEK Each week, one child from each class is named as ‘Star of the Week’ for working really hard on one of our learning characteristics: Persistence, Aspiration, Collaboration, Independence and Versatility. This week we congratulate the following children: Bumblebee Class Romario Frog Class David Dragonfly Class Keianna 2E Roberto 2W Beulah 3E Minnesota 3W Anastasia 4E Shavantae 4W Shania 5E Kylie 5W Arjun 6E Rahul 6W Aliyah R : ATTENDANCE CUP WINNER PUNCTUALITY PANDA WINNER : . Bumblebee Class and Class 4W Class 5E Class of the Week For walking around the building quietly and sensibly. Class: Bumblebee This Saturday a group of year 4 and 5 dancers are performing as part of ‘One Dance’ at Trinity Laban. They have been working really hard to rehearse and we wish them luck. The dancers will be repeating their performance within the celebration assembly on Friday 8th December and parents who were unable to get tickets at Trinity Laban are more than welcome to attend. Pupil of the Week. The pupil in each class with the most positive behaviour points each week. The Pupil of the Week will be awarded an orange tie on a Friday. Frog Class David Bumblebee Class Romario Dragonfly Class Emefa 2E Donzel 2W Laynie 3E Eldi 3W Rayyan 4E Nishan 4W Leah 5E Paapa 5W Rayan 6E Teagan 6W Christel Have a lovely weekend Mrs Beckley