Tipping Point Or More Of The Same? Arizona Picks Up Some Steam Presented to the State Board of Equalization June 21, 2016 George Hammond, Ph.D. Director Economic and Business Research Center
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New features now available New features now available! The Arizona’s Economy App Real-time data at your fingertips. . Free at the Apple App Store and Google Play. University of Arizona / Eller College of Management
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Explore data for border economies. Arizona-Mexico Economic Indicators azmex.eller.arizona.edu University of Arizona / Eller College of Management
mapazdashboard.arizona.edu University of Arizona / Eller College of Management
Our Game Plan Arizona’s job growth accelerated recently Faster gains for both Phoenix and Tucson Arizona and Phoenix jobs are above pre-recession levels Federal procurement spending still falling Arizona wage growth remains subdued U.S. dollar is still elevated and gasoline prices are still low U.S. growth accelerates in the near term Arizona economy gains momentum University of Arizona / Eller College of Management
Arizona Job Growth Over The Year University of Arizona / Eller College of Management
Arizona Job Growth Over The Year, 2016Q1 +81,300 jobs +3.1% Avg. Wages per Worker $46,919 in 2014 University of Arizona / Eller College of Management
Job Replacement Rates Through April 2016 Percent Percent of jobs lost during the Great Recession that have been replaced. University of Arizona / Eller College of Management
Federal Procurement Spending Arizona, Calendar Year $Billions University of Arizona / Eller College of Management
Arizona Wages Per Worker Nominal, Over-The-Year Growth Rates University of Arizona / Eller College of Management
Official And Broadly Defined Rates U.S. Unemployment Rate Official And Broadly Defined Rates University of Arizona / Eller College of Management
U.S. Dollar And Crude Oil Prices University of Arizona / Eller College of Management
Arizona Merchandise Exports To Mexico Nominal, Monthly Rate University of Arizona / Eller College of Management
U.S. Real GDP And Job Growth IHS Economics April 2016 University of Arizona / Eller College of Management
U.S. Interest Rates IHS Economics April 2016 University of Arizona / Eller College of Management
U.S. Housing Starts And Households IHS Economics April 2016 University of Arizona / Eller College of Management
U.S. Dollar And Net Exports IHS Economics April 2016 University of Arizona / Eller College of Management
Arizona And U.S. Job Growth University of Arizona / Eller College of Management
Arizona Job Growth By Industry Net Change: 2015-2018 University of Arizona / Eller College of Management
Arizona Population Components University of Arizona / Eller College of Management
Voting With Their Feet Estimating Relative Standards of Living with Cross-Migration Data Domestic Migrants: Census 2000 186,151 WIN! +1 92,452 9,304 8,739 LOSS! -1 University of Arizona / Eller College of Management
Voting With Their Feet Census 1970 Migration Rank 1 - 10 11 - 20 21 - 30 31 - 40 41 - 51 University of Arizona / Eller College of Management
Voting With Their Feet Census 1980 Migration Rank 1 - 10 11 - 20 21 - 30 31 - 40 41 - 51 University of Arizona / Eller College of Management
Voting With Their Feet Census 1990 Migration Rank 1 - 10 11 - 20 21 - 30 31 - 40 41 - 51 University of Arizona / Eller College of Management
Voting With Their Feet Census 2000 Migration Rank 1 - 10 11 - 20 21 - 30 31 - 40 41 - 51 University of Arizona / Eller College of Management
Voting With Their Feet ACS Five-Year 2005-2009 Migration Rank 1 - 10 11 - 20 21 - 30 31 - 40 41 - 51 University of Arizona / Eller College of Management
Voting With Their Feet ACS One Year: 2010-2014 Migration Rank 1 - 10 11 - 20 21 - 30 31 - 40 41 - 51 University of Arizona / Eller College of Management
Arizona Housing Permits Annual Data University of Arizona / Eller College of Management
Arizona’s Income Gap Expands Percentage PCPI Gap With The U.S. University of Arizona / Eller College of Management
The Risks Dismal productivity growth Spike in crude oil prices Which drives a surge in costs/inflation Spike in crude oil prices Which contributes to faster inflation Federal Reserve raises rates aggressively Global growth falters U.S. dollar surge, net exports drop No increase in residential mobility Fiscal policy shock University of Arizona / Eller College of Management
Arizona Outlook Summary University of Arizona / Eller College of Management