Add a Conference Module Screen Shots When you have a conference it is very easy, call the web office and ask how the initial setup of a conference works. We will gladly assist you. We will be able to help you with the financial aspect once you have a UP-registered cost centre number. But the rest you will be able to do yourself.
Add a Conference Screen Shots When you have created a conference module, an attendee will fill in this form to attend.
Add a Conference Module Detailed Front End Click on Add Page, fill in page name in English & Afrikaans, active: Yes, Select a module: Conferences and Save page.
Add a Conference Module Screen Shots To add a conference event once your conference module has been created, just click on Edit Content. The Conference module window will open. Click on Add Event to get started.
Add a Conference Screen Shots To submit a new conference, you have to fill in the form. Title: Start Date: End Date: Display From: Display Until: Intro: This will display when your conference is open. Notification Alternate
Add a Conference Screen Shots You can attach three documents of your choice. Browse to find the attachment on your PC, and enter an attachment description. Dont add the banking details. The system will by default insert the official UP bank details when you save. The conference must have a cost centre number before you can set it up. Registration pricing here. Extra booking cost. This is the part the web office will have to help you with.
Add a Conference Screen Shots Now activate all the functions like: Allow Comments: Open for Registration: Fully Booked: Active: Call for papers: Allowed paper submissions: Poster Podium Workshop Now you can fill in the rest of the information you want to convey to your conference attendees. Open Window where you will upload the Afrikaans version. Save.
Add a Conference Screen Shots Once you have uploaded and saved you will be able to see the newly created conference. This is what you will see on the live site.
Add a Conference Screen Shots
Managing your Conference Screen Shots Once the conference is open for registration and a delegate registers & pays, this is the e- mail they will receive. Here he/she can use their reference number to now either make a credit card payment or pay by EFT. To make a credit card payment click on the link in
Managing your Conference Screen Shots To manage your conference is easy, click on View Attendees. You will then be able to see a list with people who have already registered. You can now click on the export button that will you an Excel list with all the details of every person that has registered and paid.
Add a Conference Module Front End Adding a Conference module: Add Page Page name English: Page name Afrikaans: Active: Yes Select Module: Conference Save. KISS Front End & KISS Back End
Add a Conference Front End Adding a Conference : Edit content Add Event Fill in new Blank form: Title: Conference name Contact: Start Date: End Date: Display date: Display until: Intro: Notification Alternate Attachment: Attachment Description: Order of page: Bank details: You do not fill in anything here. The system automatically enters UPs bank details. Cost Centre Number: Please be sure to enter the right cost centre number. KISS Front End & KISS Back End Registration Pricing: Description: Price Extra Booking Costs: Description : Price (Add another fee) Allow Comments: Yes/ No Open for Registration: Yes/ no Fully booked: Yes/ No Active: Yes/ No Call for papers: Yes/ No Allowed paper submissions: Poster, podium, workshop FCK Editor window: for the rest of the information Add/Edit Afrikaans: Open Window Save.
Managing the Conference Front End Managing your Conference module: Edit content Click on conference that you created See buttons : View Abstracts/papers ( here you view the abstracts that attendees have submitted) View Attendees (Here you can see a list of attendees and export it to excel) KISS Front End & KISS Back End
Typical user FAQs 1.Can people pay with the conference module? Yes, the conference module allows you to make credit card payments. 2.Can people submit their abstracts and papers? Yes, the system allows people to submit their abstracts and papers. 3.Once I have entered my early bird fee, can I delete it after the early bird date is closed? No once your conference is open for registration, you cannot change the amounts or payment options as this will have a direct influence on the system and will cause problems. 4. Can I add accommodation, transport, map and all the information on one page? We suggest that if you have a lot of information to rather ask us about your options to maybe create a mini-site for your conference where you can upload all the additional information. 5. Can I request that some of the fields dont show and change the wording? No, unfortunately this is hard-coded and once you change it, it will influence ALL the conferences You can send a request to our change control system and we will consider your need.