Results of follow-up survey on feedback from medical appointments
Q2- Are you aware of the form for feedback from medical appointments?
Q3 If you are aware of the form have you used it and found it useful?
Do you have any ideas about how we could improve the form or improve the number of people using the form? Do you have any other comments? “Make sure it's known about. “ “ engaging nursing staff and change of culture to one where physical health is as important as mental health “ “By filling the form “ “ Difficult to find on ward. Was given copy by doctor for one patient but none since then. “ “Send copy to all the wards. Inform ward managers to cascade them to all other staff” “Cascade it to the ward managers, also explain the usefulness of it in ward rounds.” “I think it is useful as it is. We could involve ward Managers or even nursing managers to remind staff to use it.” “More engagement with nursing staff and care assistants putting emphasis on the importance of physical health, not just mental health, parameters” “once the feedback is given to the consultants, this should be fed back either in w/r, or to junior doctor, or documented in progress notes, so that everyone is aware of it.” “Needs to see the form first”
Audit Data
Table of Audit Data