What we’ve accomplished & Focus for the future PSERC Market Stem What we’ve accomplished & Focus for the future
The Early Years Project Categories Number Funded Efficient Markets 6.5 Tools for Analysis 2 Market Power 1 Integrating Demand Response 1
Evolution of Concerns Focus Areas Number Funded Operations & Reliability 0 Risk Management 2 Adequacy – Invest. & Planning 3 (+3.5) Flexible Mkt. Design to accom. changing - - -Govt. Regs. (Rel. & Environ.) 2 (+1) -Technology 0
Strategic Initiatives: Executive Forums 1. ISO/RTO Needs (ISO Executives, only) 2.Transmission Investment (All Sectors) - Cost Allocation & Recovery 3.Integrating Planning and Markets to Spur Investment (All Sectors) - Misaligned Risk, Reward & Decide - Incremental vs. Strategic Leap - Transformative Technologies (Wind, Plug- in Hybrid, Solar, Storage) + Participants Concerns: “Negawatts” & Inter- regional Coordination
Strategic Observations and Opportunities Tools not available to plan an optimal system So - - do best planning under uncertainty (real options stresses flexibility) Make Grid much “smarter” - - input from all! (Architecture?) A Real Strategic Initiative: View grid as facilitating pathway to a SUSTAINABLE SOCIETY! (Energy Diversity, Water, The Environment)