Inventing The Future Review
converts con – verts (v.) Kid-friendly definition: changes Sentence stem: Windmills convert…
devise de – vise (v.) Kid-friendly definition: invent Sentence stem: The army colonel…
efficiency ef – fi- cien – cy (adj.) Kid-friendly definition: effective operation; ability to produce the effect wanted without waste of time or energy. Sentence stem: Mr. Woodward said our car…
generated gen – er – at – ed (v.) Kid friendly definition: produced Sentence stem: The power plant…
percentage per – cent – age (n.) Kid friendly definition: allowance; an amount figured by percent Sentence stem: Items on sale are…
proclaimed pro – claimed (v.) Kid friendly definition: declared publicly Sentence stem: The voice on the loud speaker…
reproduce re – pro – duce (v.) Kid friendly definition: make a copy of Sentence stem: The students were asked to …
transmitted trans – mit – ted (v.) Kid friendly definition: sent; send out signals by means of electromagnetic waves or by wire Sentence stem: Electricity is…
More Words to Know (Shades of Meaning) Every word has a denotation, the word’s “exact, literal meaning.” Most words also have connotations: “the feelings, emotions, or images the word suggests. careless: thoughtless, negligent, irresponsible
disrepair Definition: a poor condition; a neglected state; the condition of being worn out Sentence: The old house ...
postscript Definition: afterword; a message added at the end of a letter Sentence: The letter contained ...
illegible Definition: not able to be read Sentence: The handwriting on the ...
atypical Definition: not representative of a type; irregular; abnormal Sentence: The lab specimen ...
Skill: Author’s Purpose Authors may write to inform, persuade, express feelings or ideas, or entertain.
Look Back and Write Look back through Inventing the Future for key qualities that Thomas Alva Edison possessed both as an inventor and as a co-worker. Make a list of these qualities and then write a paragraph about Mr. Edison as a person you would like to meet.