Supervisor Round-Table Discussion on Performance Goals Prepared by DDA Human Resources, Inc.
Question for Everyone: What is the ideal number of employee performance goals? Discuss what is an appropriate number of goals for a typical evaluation cycle. Benchmark what other departments at your County are setting as a guideline for employees Prepared by DDA Human Resources, Inc.
Goals Question Set A The Role of Personal Goals *1. Should "personal goals" be allowed in the performance evaluation system? a. If yes, prepare responses to question 2 through 4 below. b. If no, prepare justification and defense of your response, including presentation of your explanation to an employee. *2. What types of personal goals might be acceptable? *3. What criteria should be met to warrant inclusion of a personal goal in the evaluation system? *4. When do personal goals cross the line and create a situation where the supervisor should redirect the employee? Prepared by DDA Human Resources, Inc.
Prepared by DDA Human Resources, Inc. Goals Question Set B Alignment of Individual Employee Goals with Organizational Strategy *1. How do you ensure individual employee goals align with the organizational strategic plan, mission, and/or department goals? *2. What methods have you found to be successful to facilitate this alignment? *3. Ideally, what strategies would you apply to accomplish this? *4. Are there barriers preventing you from guiding employee goals to successful alignment? If so, please identify. Prepared by DDA Human Resources, Inc.
Goals Question Set C Who Determines My Goals for the Year? *1. Should the supervisor/manager or department head assign goals, or should employees determine their goals for the year? *2. How do you achieve appropriate results or strike a balance in this area? *3. What approach have you found successful to ensure your direct reports' goals are on track? *4. How would you explain your approach or position on this issue to an employee? Prepared by DDA Human Resources, Inc.
Prepared by DDA Human Resources, Inc. Questions? Thank you! Prepared by DDA Human Resources, Inc.