Arabs – come from the Arabian Peninsula, very harsh little water, huge desert. After the domestication of the camel become very active traders between Persian Gulf and Mediterranean Sea. Sheikh – head of each tribe chosen by family of elders.
ARABIAN PENINSULA BEFORE MUHAMMAD ORIGINS OF ISLAM ARABIAN PENINSULA BEFORE MUHAMMAD Caravan trading provided a rare link among peoples Brought Arabs in contact with Byzantines and Sasanids One of the most important caravan cities was Mecca
ARABIAN PENINSULA BEFORE MUHAMMAD ORIGINS OF ISLAM ARABIAN PENINSULA BEFORE MUHAMMAD Mecca’s location contributes to site for pilgrimages: Kaaba – holds the black stone. Zamzam – a holy well 66 ft East of the Kaaba. Sacred precincts – killing prohibited in these areas
THE KAABA Kaaba at Makkah (Mecca) – the “black stone” a cuboid-shaped building in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, it is the most sacred site in Islam. The Qur’an states that the Kaaba was constructed by Abraham and his son Ishmael, after Ishmael had settled in Arabia. The building has a mosque built around it, the Masjid al-Haram. All Muslims around the world face the Kaaba during prayers, no matter where they are.
ORIGINS OF ISLAM MUHAMMAD IN MECCA BACKGROUND: Born in Mecca Involved in Caravan Trade.Trade route gets really popular by the 6th century C.E. and divide between rich and poor grows. This is the life Muhammad is born into, parents are Merchants, orphaned very young. Becomes caravan manager and marries his boss, rich widow named Khadija Bothered by the divide between rich merchants and the simple and honest everyman. Decides to meditate on it.
ORIGINS OF ISLAM MUHAMMAD IN MECCA In 610, started receiving revelations that he interpreted as words of the one god, Allah: Some people thought he was possessed Message: All people should submit to Allah Those that did went to heaven; those that refused went to hell!
CAVE OF HIRA Cave of Hira – 610 C.E. angel Gabriel appears to Muhammad and tells him to recite what he has heard. Allah had revealed himself partly to Moses (Jews) partly to Jesus (Christians) and these final revelations were to Muhammad. The Qur’an – the final revelations of the word of Allah. Contains the ethical guidelines for Muslims. Islam – Submission to the will of Allah. Allah is the only god and Muhammad is his prophet.
MUHAMMAD LEAVES MECCA The Hijrah - Tries to preach of his revelations, and after three years just 30 converts. Muslims are persecuted, in 622 flees to Madinah (medina) or “city of the prophet” first year of Muslim calendar. Starts to win support, sees no separation between religion and politics, assembles a military force and starts to win battles and attract more followers. Returns to Mecca with 10,000 troops and the city surrenders, many then convert to Islam. Muhammad dies in 632 C.E. as his religion starts to spread very fast.
ORIGINS OF ISLAM FORMATION OF THE UMMA Muhammad and his followers flee to Medina (622) Form a single community of believers (Umma) Society based on the acceptance of Islam and the belief that Muhammad was the “Messenger of God” Prayer is directed towards Kaaba in Mecca (House of God)
5 PILLARS OF ISLAM 1) Shahada – declaration of faith, testimony, belief, saying with conviction there is no true god but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet. 2) The Salat – Prayer, each Muslim will pray 5 times a day, facing Mecca, using a prayer rug, washing first, a direct link between the believer and Allah, no intermediary priests. Morning, noon. Mid- noon, sunset and night. 3) The Zakat- (support of the needy) charity or almsgiving. Purification and Growth to give charity, 2,5 % of income, makes you less attached, and helps you grow. 4) The Sawm – Fasting during the month of Ramadan - from dawn to sundown Muslims will refrain from eating, drinking and all sexual activity. This is viewed as self-purification, also to remind you of how lucky you are, sympathy for those who go hungry, big feast at the end. 5) The Hajj – pilgrimage to Mecca, if you are physically and financially able, you should go to Mecca and view the Kaaba.
Death of Muhammad M is not divine, as Jesus was, he was a prophet, buried in unmarked grave, does not want his image shown as a holy symbol. Dies and ascends to heaven in Jerusalem – (dome of the rock) he has no male heirs, only daughters and his followers choose his father in law Abu Bakr as Caliph
ORIGINS OF ISLAM FORMATION OF THE UMMA Abu Bakr takes over leadership of Umma after Muhammad's death Title bestowed on the leader is Caliph Bakr continues Muhammad’s religious practices – 5 pillars Re-establishes Muslim authority over Arabs Oversaw the compilation of the Qur’an (Koran) in book form The Shari’ah – law code provides guidelines for daily living. Honesty and Justice, Muslims, must not gamble, eat pork (dirty, same as kosher), drink alcohol - makes men wicked, or be dishonest, no pre-marital sex.
ORIGINS OF ISLAM FORMATION OF THE UMMA As time passes, questions arise as to the succession of the caliph Assassination and civil wars ensue Battle is between the Umayya (Uthman’s relatives) and Ali (Muhammad’s cousin Eventually, Umayya forces win and establish the Umayyad Caliphate
ORIGINS OF ISLAM FORMATION OF THE UMMA 3 rival sects develop in the Muslim community Shi’ites – supported Ali and his family Sunnis – supported the Umayyad caliphate Kharijite (rebels) – militant followers of Ali These groups survive into modern era!
Mecca 100 years ago
Mecca Today