A Study on Pain-Reduction Effect by Using Werack's Laws
The Korean meridian therapy known as Werack was created over 2 and a half decades ago by Dr. Gyu Yong Ha. The subtle imbalances could be sensed and detected, through a shaking movement of the pendulum.
The energy matrix of the body was not only composed of vertical meridians but also horizontal ones and that they had points where they overlapped, realizing that these overlapping points were in fact the places where the movements of the pendulum were occurring.
The energy of the human body has regular structures; readings of the energy within them can be used to identify and locate disease and pain. Werack uses a method of reducing pain by relieving affected acupuncture points. The curing process uses a pendulum to determine exactly the affected areas.
There are a total of 3,030 intersection points in the body There are a total of 3,030 intersection points in the body. Consisting of 170 vertical lines(acupuncture spots) and 2,860 horizontal lines. This is contrary to the figure of 361 lines which The World Health Organization has recognized.
Methods Tabulation was done simply by using O(no pain) and X(pain). The results were recorded as a statistical percentage analysis.
Results 4 practitioners noted a 71% improvement and pain reduction of back pain, and 74% of shoulder pain with only one treatment.
Definition of Werack The researcher names the horizontal energy lines as "werack" which is a symmetric concept with the vertical lines
Known in the quantum biology system of Western science as human energy, quantum energy field, quantum wave energy field and potential energy field. In Oriental methods it is referred to as energy line or the meridian system. This indra net in the human body or energy of life network is also an electrical reaction process or simply an ion(+,-) effect. So in the skin of the human body as in cell membranes there are ion paths which are energy lines.
human energy field Intersection points
Extension of basic structure
Characteristics of Werack theory 1. As a direct line it, it always works in both length and width. 2. It consists of a cubic structure. 3. Simple laws are applied to it. 4. The vital point(acupuncture point) is the spot in which horizontal lines and vertical lines, meaning werack and the meridian system meet and intersect with each other. 5. This vital point is the spot where it is certainly necessary that measures be taken to treat it. These points are known as "weehyul"(acupuncture points of werack) and are quite painful spots. 6. Balance troubles of werack lines would occur. 7. A werack belt is formed. 8. Two lines of werack are formed.
Characteristics of Werack theory 9. Four partitions of werack(front from left side, front from right, back from left and back from right) are important. 10. Werack can explain the cause and the reason in which the existing human energy field (the acupuncture spots demonstrated in the Dong In Sang) could be founded as a present dominant theory. 11. Werack means a basic constitutional classification which appears in the structure of energy, namely a judgement theory of constitution. (not the constitutional judgement in the existing Oriental medicine). 12. In connection with the Jang Sang Hak of Oriental medicine, werack suggests methods of exact examination after reading the structure of energy. We can find out which horizontal or vertical lines and rows would have issues and make the energy lines recover their vitality using pressings or finger/elbow stimulation.
Weehyuls appearing actually
Balanced law of werack lines Stroke patient actually, We must check the head-Werack belt also Balanced law of werack lines
Werack belt
Its curing efficacy is confirmed and noticeable right at the time of treatment. Its ability to find acupuncture spots of pain and remove them is far superior to the current meridian system
Improvements and pain reduction in 74% of chronic pain and malfunctions were confirmed in one single treatment and this figure reached 93% within 3 treatments that were done on 295 recipients. (the majority being foreign manual laborers usually between 20-40 years of age)
This highlights the remarkable curative effects of werack, often with only 1 treatment, in pain reduction and shows its unlimited potential to replace and make up for the limits of modern medical in treating a host of maladies. Werack can be used to treat all kinds of physical conditions and a lot of mental and emotional ones as well without any side effects
The number of Werack acupuncture spots (2,860) The number of acupuncture spots(170) of meridian system (vertical lines)
We can show you these energy spots right now and here