Racial Discovery Group SaBrina Hilton
Does Racism still exist? Racism: The belief of superiority of one race over another, which often results in discrimination and prejudice towards people based on their race and ethnicity. Racism has been one of the biggest problems in this country for hundreds of years.
RACIAL INEQUALITY For as long as I can remember this country has had a problem with providing minorities equal rights in comparison to white Americans. These racial disparities exist constantly, but seem to be more obvious within our justice system.
POLICE BRUTALITY Minorities seem to be the biggest target of police misconduct in the most recent years. Social media has played a huge role in putting a spotlight on these issues, but even with proof on camera of police officers abusing their power, people are still in denial regarding this issue.
NFL PROTESTS In August 2016, Colin Kaepernick sat on the bench while the national anthem played during a preseason game. Kaepernick told the media he chose to sit to protest the oppression of people of color in the United States and to bring awareness to police brutality. Since then, hundreds of athletes have joined Kaepernick to show support for this movement.
1 2 3 4 5 FIGHT BACK! Educate yourself on racism. Believe us! Racism is still alive and present. 1 Be mindful and have empathy. Just because you are not personally a victim of racism and discrimination, that does not mean someone else is not. 2 Educate yourself on racism. 3 Create an open dialog among races to close racial divide. 4 FIGHT RACISM TOGETHER! 5