How to use these slides These slides are designed for CBHSSJB staff who need general slides to explain the Cree Health Board to outside audiences. They are designed to be added to your own PowerPoint presentations. Click on the slide in the left hand menu, and ‘copy’, then ‘paste’ the slide into your presentation. You can change the title on any slide You can delete the title by clicking on the frame. When the title is framed by a solid line, hit the delete key.
Example title Example subtitle
Illustration showing location of the ‘copy’ icon in PowerPoint.
Map of Eeyou Istchee Map of Eeyou Istchee with 2012 population of JBNQA beneficiaries, per community. The numbers do not include non-Beneficiary residents of the communities, usually about 5% of the total.
CBHSSJB Organigramme Organigramme of the Cree Board of Health and Social Services of James Bay, showing the main Groups and Departments.
Region 18 Map showing the location of CBHSSJB (Region 18) establishments, and the corridors of service used for medical evacuations etc.
Diapositives en français
Communautés d’Eeyou Istchee
Structure du CCSSSBJ
Région 18
If you need help or have ideas about more slides that would be useful to help explain the Cree Health Board, contact Katherine Morrow in Corporate Services.