Scouting Without Frontiers
What is the wois? We are a non-profit civil institution called World Organization of Independent Scouts by its acronym in English (WOIS), with headquarters in the city of Caracas, Venezuela and with its own legal status, being able to set its headquarters in any country at the decision of the institutions members.
Why the WOIS.? The WOIS is defined as an umbrella organization of traditional court that comes to fill a significant void in the world scout context, our organization does not pretend to be better than any other, nor does it intend to be involved in structural problems, we simply wish to promote the work of our founder Robert Baden Powell in favor of World Peace and the rapprochement of all peoples where Scouts exist.
The Government in WOIS The World Organization of Independent Scouts has three (3) levels of Government, the first of which is the World Assembly, the second is the monthly meetings of the world council and the third is the monthly meetings of the operational Scout regions, this in order to keep decision making and communication always fluid and in tune with our principles of inclusion, these are:
The World Assembly The World Assembly is the highest deliberative body of the WOIS, which combines all the world's expectations and guidelines for the next six (6) years of work, is made up of the World Council, the various regional councils and national associations, both full members as prospective members, it is carried out at the end of the period of the world council and within its main functions is to elect the new World Council for the following period.
World Council The World Council aims to enforce the decisions of the World Assembly in all world affairs, this body meets once a month and analyzes the work of both the World team and the operating regions of WOIS, associations and regions can raise ideas and opinions to the world council through the WOIS secretary. .
Regional Council The Regional Council is the operative arm of WOIS, in which at least one full member of each national organization resides by continent or geographical area, its main objective is to enforce the resolutions issued by both the World Assembly and the World Council, its meetings They are periodic and have a Regional Team to achieve the goals of the organization.
What are the Regions of WOIS? The WOIS defines 5 Operational Regions from the cultural and geographical point of view these are: African Región American Región Arabian Región European Región Asia/Pacific Región
What is the Organization chart of wois? WORL COUNCIL African Region AFRICANS NSO American Region AMERICAN Arabian Región ARABIAN European Region EUROPEAN Asia Pacific Region ASIA PACIFIC World Honor Court WORLD TEAM
Who are the members of the wois world council?
Who are the members of the global wois team?
How is the management of the training in wois? The Adult Training in WOIS is responsibility up to the level of the wooden badge, of the member organizations both full and prospective, after the adult is named and delivered his wooden badge his national team if he sees optimal conditions to be a trainer he proposes to be invited to the next World TTT course to be held by the World WOIS Training Team. The level of the 3rd wood and 4th wood are the responsibility of the world commissioner of adult training of WOIS, this in order that all our trainers speak and know the objectives and goals of the training of Gilwell and the training structures in WOIS.
How is the PROCESS TO BE A MEMBER OF WOIS? To be a member of WOIS you just have to complete the three (3) steps that we detail below, at the end of these three simple steps you will become a prospective member and start your evaluation year to be part of our brotherhood as a full member with all the rights that our regulations give you.
What are the social networks of wois? @woiscout @woisscouts @woiscout
Scouting Without Frontiers