Club Managers Association of America Student Membership
Who We Are The Club Managers Association of America (CMAA) is the professional association for managers of membership clubs and has close to 6,500 members across all classifications. Our manager members run more than 3,000 country, golf, city, athletic, faculty, yacht, town and military clubs.
Who We Are The objectives of the Association are: To promote and advance friendly relations between and among persons connected with the management of clubs and other associations of similar character. To encourage the education and advancement of its members. To assist club officers and members, through their managers, to secure the utmost in efficient and successful operations.
Student Membership CMAA now has more than 40 student chapters and colonies with more than 800 student members located around the world. CMAA grants charters to student chapters at colleges and universities with four-year hospitality management programs. Undergraduate and graduate students at 2 or 4 year accredited colleges and universities are eligible to apply for CMAA student membership.
Benefits of Membership Student Chapter Activities – Student chapters hold regularly scheduled meetings under the guidance of a faculty advisor and a CMAA liaison manager. Chapter meetings enable students to access professional development, visit local clubs, gain leadership experience as chapter officers and meet and learn from practicing club managers. ClubCareers – This online career center allows students to search for entry-level and internship positions at clubs around the world. As an added benefit, students can have their résumés critiqued by CMAA’s résumé writer as a complimentary service at World Conference.
Benefits of Membership Club Foundation Scholarship Program – The Club Foundation awards several $2,500 scholarships to outstanding students who demonstrate an interest in the club management profession each year. Information and application forms can be found online at
Benefits of Membership CMAA Website– CMAA’s official website contains information directly related to club management. An online membership directory, career information, and industry survey results are some of the highlights of the site. The CMAA student site can be found at Important student information, dates, and events can be found here. Professional Development – Student members may attend many of CMAA’s education programs including senior chapter meetings and education throughout the year as well as the National Student Education Conference in the fall and World Conference on Club Management in the winter. These educational sessions are ideal opportunities for students and managers to network with each other. Students also receive education credits for attending CMAA-sponsored events.
Benefits of Membership World Conference on Club Management –Student registration includes student-specific education, a student networking event and multiple networking and mentorship offerings such as the Career Opportunities and Mentoring Showcase. The Career Opportunities and Mentoring Showcase is a job and networking fair for students looking for internship and post-graduate positions, or simply an industry mentor. Students are also welcomed and encouraged to attend manager education sessions.
Benefits of Membership National Student Education Conference (NSEC) – This student-specific conference is an ideal venue for students to meet for a weekend of club education and networking prior to attending CMAA’s World Conference. With plenty of education sessions, club tours and networking opportunities, the NSEC is a great way to round out classroom education.
Benefits of Membership Club Management Magazine – The Association’s official publication provides members with in-depth information on issues and legislation affecting the private club industry, current and future trends in club management and information about new products and services. This magazine is sent every other month to members’ home addresses. Outlook – Twice monthly, all CMAA members receive the Outlook e-newsletter, which contains information on Association initiatives and events and updates members about educational opportunities.
Steps for Applying for Student Membership 1. Download and complete a student membership application available on 2. Submit membership dues and completed application to your local student chapter officers or faculty advisor for approval and submission to CMAA National Headquarters. 3. Once processed, your membership card will be mailed to you within a month. You’ll also begin receiving CMAA correspondence and will gain access to the password protected areas of the website.
From a CMAA Student to a CMAA Manager Alumnus Membership – This category of membership is available to all former student members of the Association who are making the transition from a student to a professional in the club industry. This category provides a dues break (half the prevailing professional dues rate), for the first two years of membership. Once employed by a club, student members advance to professional membership status through application with their local senior chapter. The first step toward achieving the Certified Club Manager (CCM) designation starts when you become a professional member.
Club Managers Association of America Your involvement with CMAA, combined with your applied classroom theories and networking with club managers, will ensure your success in the club industry. Membership in CMAA is the best way to start your future in club management. To inquire about membership or if you have any questions about any of CMAA’s programs, contact your local CMAA Student Chapter or CMAA National Headquarters at: Club Managers Association of America 1733 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 (703) 739-9500